I can admit that I got carried away w/ credit cards once getting credit became possible for me. As many of you may know. I am a credit card junkie. I am sharing my experience so others can learn from it. I got these cards now: capital one gold visa target visa citibank plat select citibank plat dividend amex plat optima providian get smart visa wachovia mbna capital one plat visa bloomingdales victoria secret target chase mc spiegel chadwicks of boston As a result, I have approx $25K in credit card debt that I am rolling into my business finance. These are the cards that I have over 10% interest on. I am so ashamed. But somewhere between buying furniture, drapes, blinds, pots and pans for the new house, buying odds and ins for the new dental office and then not working fulltime since January this is the bed that i have made for myself. Damn! I wonder if I would have charged so much if I hadnt had SO MUCH credit. I think not. I dont use the cards anymore. I am consolidating both citis, target, providian and capital one. That is about $20K. the other cards have low balances w/ lower rates than 8% and i will pay them myself. roni , didnt handle the cards so well. The best part is I havent been late at all though. I have been paying minimal balances while I have been out of work. I thought i would share my story.
girl6, Don't be so hard on yourself. At least you are financing your dental office and your future "full-time" job with the credit you have earned. I think everything will be alright for you after you start getting a good patient load. Smile Charlie
I wonder if I would have charged so much if I hadnt had SO MUCH credit. I think not. I dont use the cards anymore. With that statement you will be just fine. Your business will boom and you will become rich & debt free! Credit Cards & Debt is like Losing/Gaining Weight Very easy to do and hard to undo