Dumb Question for All

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by .Mike, Nov 9, 2000.

  1. .Mike

    .Mike Guest

    Like everyone else here I've been doing the credit repair thing. And I've been quite succesful with it.

    What really bothers me is the people that simply "MUST HAVE MORE AND MORE AVAILABLE CREDIT".

    Yes, please continue to brag about how you got this and that card with so many thousands available...

    Just remember you do have to pay for it.

    Now how are you going to pay it off?

  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I figured if I get in trouble, I could borrow the money from you? You are right. That was a dumb question. That much we agree on.


    .Mike wrote:
    Like everyone else here I've been doing the credit repair thing. And I've been quite succesful with it.

    What really bothers me is the people that simply "MUST HAVE MORE AND MORE AVAILABLE CREDIT".

    Yes, please continue to brag about how you got this and that card with so many thousands available...

    Just remember you do have to pay for it.

    Now how are you going to pay it off?

  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Here's my view.

    I like to have available credit for purchases of necessity in emergencies, holiday spending (why do we spend so much on xmas?), loss of job.

    1. Recently i had to replace a car. After getting a ridiculous trade-in offer, i charged the down payment, sold the car locally, for over $1000 i was offered at dealer. paid charge in less than 30 days. no interest.

    2. Xmas, why do we all spend so much on each other. nuff said.

    3. If i lost my job, was hurt and could not work, whatever, it's nice to have a line of credit large enough to survive for 30-60 days. It's even nicer to have that cash laying in a bank, but lets be realistic. I'd
    rather charge my bills during such an emergency period , than face eviction, bad debt (again), whatever.

    Please no flames, ive had enough for today, but that is the reason i have my cards. Oh yeah. i have several cards as well so i can use on-line coupons more than once when buying stuff.

    What scares me is to see my credit cards at over $1k carry over per month, that makes me take a few extra $$ and pay them off more. I expect to pay $4000 on $4500 of my debt this month, and sure i may not have a whole lot of extra money to spend this month, but i'll be pretty close to revolving balance $0, and plenty of credit in case of ??? next month.
  4. Pat

    Pat Guest

    available credit improves FICO

  5. Carrot

    Carrot Guest

    To answer your question:

    I used all of my newly acquired credit to finance the very successful crank lab I've been running out of my bathroom. So Lord willing and the single-wide trailer don't blow up, I don't think I'll have a problem paying back any of my credit card debt.
  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Some people really know how to

    started. good going Mike.
  7. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    Mike, I do not fool myself for one minute about my limits. I am merely trying to point out to folks that you can make money with your credit if you use it wisely and responsibly. The more you have the more you can make. It takes patience and discipline to build the kind of credit I have built, but it can be done. Hopefully, you all realize that life is a marathon, not a sprint. We are all going to get to the finish line, some will be more tired than others. EARN 19.47% APR with your credit and if you pay less than 18% APR, you can make some money.

  8. BLE103

    BLE103 Guest

    Having a reasonable amount of availible credit is good.Why?It gives you the power to take avantage of low rate teaser rate offers if used right.Yes you are right you got to pay it back.Credit isn't free money but is a very helpful in a time of need.I don't want to brag about having a large amount credit because it isn't worth bragging about.All people need to do with their credit is to just use it wisley,and don't go over board just because you got it.

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