dv all or individually?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chantress1, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. chantress1

    chantress1 Member

    I have numerous accounts with a CA, all from the same OC. Its all medical, pathology readings, from 2000 to 2003. I'm not sure what the exact date of service is for each of them, or the dofd. Should I dv them all together, asking for each date of service, or dv them all individually? I think most of them should fall off my CR this year, but I am not sure what the correct date of service is for any of them. I have tried to PFD them with no success. I certified mailed it, with online receipt acknowlegement, but they never signed for anything. I called the CA and asked if they received mail at their physical address, they said yes, but still nothing. It was sent around the 1st of Feb. I dont think they will accept a PFD, because they say I have accounts other than those showing on my CRs. Who knows how many I have, my insurance paid 80% of my testing, so they cant be more than 20 to 100 dollars each, and those all had to be before 2000. I figured if I could dv them, and give them 30 days, if they dont respond then I could dispute the accounts with the CRA, and hopefully they wont take the time to verify them either. And then YAY, 4 collections off my CRAs. How sweet would that be?

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