e-loan phone #: 1-888-E-LOAN-22

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Apr 27, 2001.

  1. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Call and ask that they remove the unauthorized hard inquiry placed today on your Experian by MIDWEST MORTGAGE on their behalf.

    If they try to bluff saying it's a soft inquiry, or they're not affiliated w/ Midwest Mortgage, RAISE HELL.


  2. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Woo! :-O

    A little hot, are we?
  3. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Getting any hotter than I am right now would trigger the fire alarm :p

    Naaa, just kidding. I usually welcome a free online Experian report w/ open arms :)

  4. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    I had a similar problem with QSpace. They say their inquiries are considered soft by the CRA but when I got a copy from another source, it showed up as a hard inquiry.
  5. VJ

    VJ Well-Known Member

    Same thing happened to me and I was able to get equifax to change it to disclosure.

  6. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    They responded to me by saying that businesses only need to have a permissible reason etc etc etc inquiries are controlled by the merchant yada yada yada......
  7. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member


    Did e-loan state that they would remove the inquiry?

    Has anybody had any positive results with this issue?

  8. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    You can get a free Experian report every single day if you want. Just go to their website and check the box that says you were denied credit within the last 60 days when you are on the order form. I have been doing it for the last 2 months (only when I have a dispute in ). There is no charge. What I saw was interesting. For instance, one day my Citibank limit were inserted, then the next a negative was verified and then the next day the other negative was verified with a new account opened date.

    I just checked and yes I do have an inquiry for MIdwest Bank. My score is 698 which is so unbelievable. I'm not doing anymore of those score things (unless it's the real think). ANOTHER EXPERIAN INQUIRY-THAT MAKES 9 IN SIX MONTHS. MY OTHER REPORTS ON HAVE ONE OR TWO. AGGGHHHH!
  9. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Nope, if they don't have an actual inquiry on file within the last 60 days, Experian won't let you view your report online, even if you check the "denied in recent 60 days" box.

  10. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    ok, that explains it.
  11. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Did they confirm that they would remove the hard inquiry when you talked to them?

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