E-Loan success!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Jun 20, 2001.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    On another thread, I had discussed that when I checked my E-loan score in April, a "hard inquiry" from Midwest Mortgage resulted on Experian. Reportedly, 40,000 + people had this happen. Obviously, I was just one of many.

    What surprised me was that when the inquiry was changed to Infonet credit; the inquiry remained in the "hard inquiry" file.

    I e-mailed to Eduardo at E-loan the other day about the problem and today, I confirmed with Experian that that the inquiry is now a "soft inquiry".

    It is just my opinion, but I blame Experian for the whole problem.

    Anyway, now the problem is resolved.

    Thanks - Jim

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