on friday, i find out that they deleted providian and a civil jdugement. today I check ce and find providian is still there and score only up by two points. Wha'ts up with that. I am waiting for the mail report but i printed it out so i can have it. is this more ammunition for the lawsuit if they do not notify me in five days. OMG, I am so mad. Besides the fact that they verified the USA Funds with a creditor comment that my wages are being garnished, which they are not, I have letter from employer and letter from USAfunds so they kiss my A$$.
Diva- Something is definately wrong with CE, I had a brand new CA that dropped my score ABOUT 40-60 points, I disputed right away and it got deleted, I gained ONE point when it got deleted. I think the "CE simulator" is closer to the right score.
I, too, think something is fishy with Credit Expert. I have 18 satisfactory accounts and all of the sudden CE says I only have 17. I looked at my report and I do still have 18 and nothing has changed. My CE score went down 1 point, too, with no reason I can see EXCEPT for the fact that it is only considering 17 out of my 18 accounts.