EFX CreditWatch - MASS INQ DEL

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Doc, do you pull your report every day? If not, I think that once you hit a magic # of inq's. which is different for each person, but seems to be 175-200, as long as you pull your report every day, they will fall off in 45 days.
  2. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    i have 152 inquiries total...

    I have lost 9 hards so far and have 2 left..

    I havent lost any soft inquiries though...

  3. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

    I called Equifax to subscribe and was told that my file was too large. Has anyone gotten this from Equifax? What did you do about it? I have 22 ones and a lot of hard & soft inquiries.

  4. Bopitbop

    Bopitbop New Member

    I have tried this as well. All that is falling off mine are softies.
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Ok, I just had some time to kill this afternoon, so what did I do? I spent it obsessing about CREDIT... surprise, surprise...

    Anyway, I logged into CreditWatch and made a little study of all the reports I've pulled over the last couple of months. I literally copied all inquiries and tracked them using BBEdit and Excel on the Mac. What I discovered was that soft inquiries have been falling off from February/March 2002 in order to allow the newer soft CreditWatch-generated inquiries to appear, keeping my overall inquiry total at 176. My next hard inquiry is dated April 9. If things continue as they are, that hard inquiry from April 9 should be swept away in exactly 10 days if I pull a new report every day. I'm HOPEFUL that it won't just skip over that hard inquiry, lol... but we'll see. I noted that it DOES SKIP "PRM" (promotional) and "AR" (account review) inquiries but that those have been falling off at exactly the 1 year mark regardless. I'll keep this thread updated daily.

    On August 25, that pesky hard inquiry from April 9 will be exactly 138 days old and will hopefully disappear forever.


    P.S. UPDATE! Make that 11 DAYS until D-DAY (deletion day) because I have two "AR" softies from August 20, 2001 that will fall off during this period and that will take up an extra day... so...
    On August 26, that pesky hard inquiry from April 9 will be exactly 139 days old and will hopefully disappear forever.
  6. markman

    markman Well-Known Member

    The number of inquires stays between 128-131 for me.

    I don't know if you have noticed this but there is no 24 hour limitation anymore. You can request more than one report per day. I don't think it adds inquires though.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    2 PER DAY...if you do 7 "get a new one"...only 2 inquires show up...and 2 BUMPAGE!!!
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I had about 165 last week.
    8/13 138
    8/15 137
    I pull at least once a day, most of the time twice. i missed yesterday.

    I was at about the 60-90 mark and now I don't know, I have 2 hards left. My EU, PRM, and AR's aren't budging!
  9. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    mine is at 116. It is bumping all exquifax disclosures and hard inquiries. It is skipping over all PRM, AR, EU, ect. I love it. I have 9 hard left. in 7 days I will have 6. in a month nothing.
  10. JCandel

    JCandel Active Member

    I have lost 6 hard inquiries in the last 5 days,also one collection was deleted today :)
    636 EQ
    GEORGE You was always right ===> RNG
  11. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Just noticed my first deletions. Number of inquiries at 129.

  12. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I hate to be a dark cloud here guys...

    Just a thought coming from someone who formerly had her file split due to excessive inquiries (all of which were soft except 1 hard). You do not want to go there! It is a complete mess, Equifax can't score your file, throw an affiliate into the mix and you have real problems. It took me 5 months and a lawsuit to get my file put back together. It was all caused by excessive soft inquiries. Yes, it was their fault. It didn't change the fact that it was tons of work to get it undone!
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    That is why Equifax created their 45D system. It is to delete all personally caused soft inq's and all hard inq's within 45 days so what happened to you doesn't happen to others. It is working for quite a few of us. I will have another hard fall off tomorrow. That will leave me 1 from last Sunday, which will fall off on Sept. 25th, as long as I pull my report and score every day.
  14. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    LKH, just so I understand...

    The 45D fixed the problem that caused my file to be split? So, no one runs the risk anymore, because of this advent, of having a build up of soft inqs, thus creating a split file?

    If that is the case, I am definitely ready to give this a try.

    I just can't tell you what a hassle it was to get the split file put back together! I do not want to go through that again, and neither does anyone else!
  15. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    I hate CSC/Equifax. cant do online disputes in my area.

    can you plug in a zip code for an area that does allow online disputes to make your dispute online?
  16. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    LKH's Trickâ?¢ :)


    P.S. It isn't always 45 days. The number of days depends upon how many other PRM and AR soft inquiries you have, how many regular soft inquiries you already have, and the overall size of your file. I'm about ready to figure this puppy out and post the math. Since I was a subscriber to Privista and have their AR inquiry every week, that boosted my overall number required quite a bit and bloated my number of days which required that I build to a higher number before things began falling -- since PRM and AR are skipped. Anyway, I realize this is all gobblydygook for the casual reader, so I'll stop. The bottom line is that LKH's Trick appears to be about a 150-day one for me. I'll know more in 10 days.

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