Backstory: Ok, so after all of that with the collection agency swearing they would never, ever delete the account from my credit report and me wondering what to do... Guess what shows up in the mail today? A letter, from the collection agency, telling me that they're deleting the record from all of the CRA's, apologizing for being so mean and such, and reminding me to check the CRA's for the next couple of months to make sure the tradeline actually goes away. The scary part is, this letter is dated BEFORE all of the calls I've had with them in the past few days. If I'd kept my mouth shut, I would have just gotten the letter and they would've forgotten about me. The question I've got is, should I use the letter to dispute the tradeline directly with the CRA's? That's what it seems like I should do, seeing as I've got a letter saying they're gonna delete it, but then I've got 5 phone calls in the past 2 days with supervisors at the C/A claiming it will have to fall off cause they're never going to delete it. Egads, my brain hurts. I'm worried the C/A is gonna accuse me of forging the letter (when, if, the CRA's call them to verify it) or something, and then this will really turn into a mess.
KEEP THE ENVELOPE!!! Fax over the letter and the envelope to all 3 CRA's, beat them to it. Hopefully this CA is on one coast while you're on the other.
Well, I think I might (might!) be completely covered all the sudden. The original creditor is guaranteeing me they're gonna send me a deletion letter. And, according to Experian and Equifax at least, as long as the original creditor's deletion letter references the account number of the collection agency such a letter is enough to get the collection trade line removed. So, I figure with a letter from the original creditor, and a letter from the collection agency, both of which say the account should be deleted--I should be in good shape, no?