Ego, Credit & Self Esteem

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mark LA, Oct 24, 2002.

  1. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'm going there (in response to the "don't go there girlfriend!" thought I had before writing this - little stream of consciousness never hurt nobody :)
    Regarding a previous "wimpy credit limit" post:
    let's keep it real, shall we?
    Ego and self esteem have alot to do with acquiring credit. So what?
    Ego and self esteem motivate you in most areas of life. So what?

    While I think it's tacky to run out and tell all your firends about the new platinum card you just got with a 25k limit - I think it's fine to post it here - on this site - called CREDITNET - and - yes - even brag a bit if it makes you feel good.

    (And - yes - a $300 HH card - IS a wimpy credit limit.)

    Mark LA
  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Thank you for saying it Mark... I guess I was taken back and a bit offended by the previous comments on my post for this very reason... I am NOT going to tell my co-workers or friends or even my family about what kind of credit cards and limits I have. I will NOT discuss with them my recent credit scores or victories against some CA or OC. But this is a forum about credit and I feel like I should be free to discuss these things here and I hope everyone else does too. I will admit sometimes, when I read a post about someone getting a 15K limit with Amex or Chase or BofA... I feel a tinge, just a tinge of jealousy. But it is not the bad kind of jealousy, like "quite your braggin', you windbag"... its the kind that makes me say, " Congrats! I hope to make it to the top someday, too!" And thanks to this board, I know I will.
  3. pdewitt99

    pdewitt99 Well-Known Member

    There is no shame in a $300 card if you have no credit, or a poor credit history. When I was 18 I recieved cards with $300-1500 limits and was very happy with them. They are a necessary part of building credit history. However once your credit history ages and you get accustomed to high credit limits and low APR's, you become insulted by the lower limit cards. It is not a knock on those trying to establish or reestablish their credit, nor is it bragging, I think of it as just a point of view.
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    So where is the 25k card? If you'll remember when you "fell off the wagon" I told ya to go for 200k. There was a guy on another site that had 252k in CL's. I copied that page of his detail in cards for MY inspiration. Charlie
  5. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Mark LA
    Yes, I'm going there (in response to the "don't go there girlfriend!" thought I had before writing this - little stream of consciousness never hurt nobody :)
    Regarding a previous "wimpy credit limit" post:
    let's keep it real, shall we?
    Ego and self esteem have alot to do with acquiring credit. So what?
    Ego and self esteem motivate you in most areas of life. So what?

    While I think it's tacky to run out and tell all your firends about the new platinum card you just got with a 25k limit - I think it's fine to post it here - on this site - called CREDITNET - and - yes - even brag a bit if it makes you feel good.

    (And - yes - a $300 HH card - IS a wimpy credit limit.)

    Well, all I've got to say is....

    It's not the size of the credit limit that matters.
    It's how well you use it and don't abuse it. ;--)
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Excuse me! That's what I've been told all my life!!! Charlie
  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Mark LA, San Fran or Anaheim? I wanted Oakland, but I want San Fran now for Bonds sake. ;) Charlie

    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    Oh boy I knew it would not be long before someone could not let it go. Again I really dont care if you guys agree with me or not. I posted what I thought about the post and thats that. I am here to get help and help anyone that I can I do not hold it against you guys that you dont agree with me and I hope that you will not hold it against me that I dont agree with you.
  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    DOITMYSELF, I don't understand what you are talking about. Am I missing something? Charlie
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    We shouldn't call $300 credit limits "TOY" cards because some people would love to have a $300 limit card...

  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If I got a $60 limit card if I had a $300 card I would cut that card in 6 rows by 10 rows...60 PIECES I would send it back to them...CERTIFIED R/R!!!
  12. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    There are alot of people (like me) who couldn't even get a card before they came to this board. I agree. Never forget where you came from. ;) Charlie
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    But the question of the day is...WOULD YOU ACCEPT A $60 CARD IF YOU HAD A COUPLE OF $300 CARDS???
  14. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    No, but I'd take a 6k card if I had a 30k card, so yes. ;) Charlie
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ...BUT would you take a $6,000 card if ALL your OTHER cards were $30,000+???
  16. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    The REAL question is, would you feel free to come onto CREDITNET and 1.) gripe about getting a $60 credit limit OR 2.) announce that you just got a 30K credit limit?
  17. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I probably would take the 6k card. I would need to keep my socks warm, wouldn't I?I posted a post from a guy that had 250k in CC's, and if you look he had a couple of 1k cards. ;) Charlie

    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    Never forget where you came from hmmm I like that :)
  19. DownNout

    DownNout Active Member

    I think there is more to George's story and credit than he tells us...I've seen people with newer credit history have MUCH higher scores than him. He isn't telling all, furthermore he spends more time posting 5 times to each message about his own perfect 24+ yrs perfect history etc etc. If his credit is so good and he can afford to pay them $34K in 2 months WHY IS HE HERE? to whine, complain and brag..
  20. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    No fair to attack GEORGE, he is a long standing, respected member of the CREDITNET family. Are you just asking to get slammed here, or what?

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