El Grande Problema!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by willy 1, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. willy 1

    willy 1 New Member

    I am a first timer and a novice at the credit repair game. Please be gentle.
    Back in August of 2004 we gaot behind on a credit account with G.e. Capital. It was through inatention not because we couldnt pay. This had happened before with this account and I told my wife to just pay the account off. She called the company and told them of her wishes and complained about some of the add on charges. She negotiated and they agreed to a payment that amounted to seventy five percent of what they said we owed (this account was not in collections). My wife then gave the person three direct withdrawels to be taken out over the next three months.approx. 1500 dollars total. We received a letter in August from G.E. Capital. That in brief stated that per our conversation this letter is to inform you that this account is considered paid in full. (not settled) and can be presented to any agency as proof.
    In April of 2005 we started getting bills again re. this account. My wife called and explained the situation and we then got a letter stating "Your settlement has been confirmed. In my gross ignorance i didnt know there was a difference between a settlement and paid in full, and I just filed the letter.
    Last week I ran a credit check on myself and I find that this account shows that this account is listed as a charge off on all three agencies and it has showed either grossly behind or in collections since August of 2004. I called G.E, Capital and got nowhere they basically stated that this account was not settled untill April of 2005 and acted like I was lying about the letter I was holding in my hand from August 2004.(But Im not and I went and made lots of copies).Im through calling these trained apes.
    We checked with the bank and confirmed all three withdrawels were made in 2004 per our agreement.
    There is obviously a big screw up on the part of G.E. Capital somewhere. My credit rating has taken a nose dive went from high 600s to low 600s and even if this was processed a a settement it should have been in 2004 . I now have this long string of negative information from August 2004 right up to the present.
    I guess what Im asking is how do I proceed. Is it lawyer time, or should I write a letter to G.E. capital and see if they will make this right. It seems from this board that they are difficult to deal with. I really wish my wife had just paid the thing off and not negotiated with the company. I know im in for a hassle trying to get this thing straightened out.
    Thank you for any suggestions

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