eleminate your debt...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by navajo67, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

  2. tonyd

    tonyd Well-Known Member

    ummmmmmmmm....too good 2B true???

    I doubt it's legal, whatever it is.
  3. iambroke

    iambroke Well-Known Member

    Just imagine if every sucker sent them 98.00 they would be RICH....

    Don't waste your money!!!
  4. Smit

    Smit Well-Known Member

    This looks like a scam! I could not find a phone number on there anywhere and there was an address in tiny letters at the bottom of the page. That should send up a red flag. If you can't call and ask questions, don't do it. I think it's just there to take money and you get nothing for it. And if they do give you something it's probably a booklet with an illegal scam that they have you do. Smells funny, I don't like it!

    Ofcourse we all wish this was true or everyone would be doing it and you would hear a lot more about it.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If it costs $98...you can pay $98 to your HIGHEST interest rate and PROBABLY BE BETTER OFF...

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