Just out of curiosity I pulled my eloan score. It is very close to what Generations came up with at 603. WAY off from TU's score of 656. Anyway...while I was waiting for the score to come up, I was surfing their site. Look what I found: "2. Not getting approved for the card you want? A. Apply for another card in the same category Credit card companies all have different credit guidelines. Your credit profile may be just right for a different company. You can apply to more than one credit card without affecting your credit rating as long as your applications occur within the same 30 day window of time." Now I know this is true for mortgages and auto loans...but where the heck did they get that it also was for credit cards???? L
L- I noticed the same thing, score wise. My eloan score was much closer to my generations score than my CONSUMER score. I have had several new apps on EQU for credit cards, and the inquiries haven't affected my score one bit, I think with EQU once you have one inquiry you might as well have 10. With TU this is the breakdown I have noticed: 1st inquiry 11 points 2nd inquiry 4 points 3rd and on 2 points This way happens if you have no other inquiries in the last 6 months (at least for me) EXP: 1st inquiry 7 points 2nd inquiry 4 points 3rd and on 1 point each Just my own observations, may not be the same for everyone!
It isn't - it's the same BS they say for insurance inquiries, because they want you to apply. My score reasons and profile summaries indicate they are counting every single darn inquiry when calculating my score.