Email CRA Disputes

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ted75, Apr 10, 2002.

  1. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    I've seen lots of posts regarding faxing disputes (in addition to online and snail mail), but what about EMAILing disputes? Anyone try? How effective?

    Just seeking opinions before I try.

    Here are the emails that I've seen...any others?



  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I emailed one to Experian one time (along with sending it the usual CRRR roue) and received no response. Sure would be nice to be able to do it that way though.

  3. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    CSC works (possibly)

    Just an FYI...since I still haven't seen the results yet...

    I received the following email response from CSC from an email inquiry dispute:

    "-----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 2:06 PM
    To: XXXX
    Subject: Re: Request Investigation - Unauthorized Inquiries

    Please provide us with your address and social security number so we can
    access your credit report and begin the dispute for you.
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    It at least sounds like they may investigate...and of all things INQUIRIES!! Please, keep us informed. Charlie
  5. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    Sure they do, equifax excepts them. I have quite a few started that way.....
  6. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    I'm sorry but I must wholeheartedly disagree with your statement.

    I, for one, can vouch that you will get the "standard" Glenn King response if you dispute through "normal" channels (ie. EFX Atlanta office). You need to dispute via their affiliates....or include those inquiry disputes as part of a lawsuit.

    I don't know...can you or someone else tell me (or show a link) how they successfully disputed (and deleted) inquiries throught their Atlanta office?
  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    Email will only work if it is on their site, and is secure. You should not send your personal information via unsecure email. So, it would be difficult for you to give them your identifying information (SSN, DOB, account numbers) unless they provide the secure site.

    As a subsriber to their services, I email them from time to time, but I use their site, or fax, to dispute, never email.
  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    Good point Breeze. Email is simply NOT secure. I will not send my SS# and other personal info via email.

    In addition there is no verifiable read receipt confirmation possible with email so it is just not a valid option at this time. Send CRRR! Its what, 4 bucks?

    -Peace, Dave
  9. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    I agree as well, my email statement was assuming the question was heading towards sending their dispute via the channel when you're disputing with a confirmation #... You can clearly send it once you have that, for me when i've entered a dispute with the conf#, and there's already a dispute in equifax, the system will instruct you to send it via EMAIL. That's what i'm talking about.
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    Right, backspace. I use their secure email from inside their website. I think a lot of people might confuse the issue, though, and attempt to send confidential info via regular email. Have you ever seen where people post entire account numbers on message boards?

    I've never used certified RRR mail with the CRA's and I have never had a problem with them saying they didn't get something.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    I emailed a dispute to and they refused it. Their response was;

    Dear Consumer,

    You have reached the Internet Support team.

    We cannot process your request to dispute information contained in your Equifax Credit Profile. You must contact the appropriate Customer Service
    Department in your area to initiate a dispute.

    If there is information contained in your Equifax credit report that you believe is in error or requires updating, you may contact us via the following methods:

    You may choose to initiate your investigation on-line. Visit our website at and click on any of the products listed (Credit Profile; Score Power or Credit Watch) to advance to the Welcome page. From the Welcome Page, scroll down below the bold red line and click on "Request Investigation" to launch an on-line investigation.

    You must have your nine digit confirmation number to complete this process. If your purchased your Equifax credit profile via the Internet, your
    confirmation number is located on your credit profile under the "Personal Data" section in red letters. If the profile was purchased via US Mail, the confirmation number is located in the upper right hand corner.

    Some consumers may not receive a confirmation number. This indicates your file is Affiliate owned. Affiliate offices share the Equifax database but
    control the territory in which you reside. Because they maintain ownership of your credit profile, you must initiate any request to dispute information contained in the file directly with that office.

    If you reside in an Affiliate owned area, you will receive a telephone number for that Affiliate office to initiate an investigation. The on-line
    investigation feature is unavailable to consumers residing in Affiliate owned areas because the Affiliate office cannot process investigations via the Internet at this time. That office will instruct you on their
    investigation procedures.

    You may also contact the Customer Service Department servicing your area to initiate a dispute by telephone. If you purchased your credit profile via
    the Internet, the telephone number is located in the same area as the confirmation number listed above. If purchased via US Mail, the telephone
    number is located in the upper right hand corner.

    To speak with an Equifax representative, you will be required to present a confirmation number to verify that you have already obtained a credit report by mail or internet order from Equifax. The telephone number is 800-685-1111.

    Finally, to initiate an dispute via US Mail on all Equifax owned files, please write to us at :

    Equifax Disputes
    PO Box 740256
    Atlanta, GA 30374-0256

    The correct mailing address for Affiliate owned files is located on your credit profile. To prevent delay of your dispute, please address all inquiries to the proper location. Any request for investigations received at the PO Box listed above belonging to an Affiliate office will be forwarded to that office.

    Please be specific regarding your dispute of an account: "not mine", "paid in full", etc. Include any documentation that may substantiate your
    verification requests. It is especially helpful to send photocopies of your social security card and driver's license for name updates. It is also recommended that any request for address update include a current
    utility bill in your name or driver's license showing the correct address.

    Thank you,
    Customer Care
  12. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)


    You have to do it within the Conf# dispute area regular smtp method won't work....

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: CSC works (possibly)

    Ohhh. Thanks for clearing that up for me, backspace.

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