Embezzler has all my $ info

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by moneyhoney, Jan 21, 2003.

  1. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    I would go to the police right now and report it in person.
    Tell them that you need a complaint filed to get your credit info stuff.
    As the keys for the apartments are in effect lost the landlord should replace all the locks .
    Send the leter CRRR they still have to sign for it if it's PO box and I would send one to the apartment complex address addressed to the owner/ new manager whatever also..
  2. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member

    What proof do you have that ANY crime has been committed? Did you witness the crime? Or is it a rumor..somebody told somebody else? If the landlord has not filed a police report, maybe no crime was commited against him and until your personal info is used illegally, no crime against you has been commited.

    You have nothing to report to the police yet, except a rumor, as far as suing the landlord what damages have you suffered ? At this point none.

    I am not saying you shouldn't be concerned, but hold on, this may be a "tempest in a tea cup."

  3. boywonder

    boywonder Well-Known Member

    You are perfectly entitled to change your locks. No court would ever fault you for taking the most basic steps to protect yourself and your property. Make no mistake--you will need a police report. Surely, the person from whom he embezzled the money filed a report?!?! Is the landlord attempting to cover this up? You (and any other renters whose information was vulnerable) will need the police report to challenge any future fraud.
  4. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Embezzler has all my $ info

    The landlord told some of the tenants (in writing) what happened. He asked them to keep it a secret because he did not want everyone to panic and move out.
  5. moneyhoney

    moneyhoney Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Embezzler has all my $ info

    Some of the other tenants spoke w/a tenants rights org. and they said it's not black and white as it is the landlord's bldg. and we don't have a right to change the locks. I deliniated all of my concerns in a letter (w/my rent check as proof of recpt) and never heard back from the landlord.

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