I second that.. I would understand if the complaints were about lack of understanding of products, accent etc. But questioning the integrity of a race or country without proper evidence to back up is not very mature. In either case Emerge or whatever company that employs them is responsible/liable for any illegal activity done by them on your account. If the companies can trust them, why should we care?
If the question, what if someone from India steals your personal info is purely a hypothetical question, the answer is the same as what If someone working in company XYZ located in US steals your identity. Sue the shit out of the company. Federal law protects you from identity theft, If someone else charges your credit card or opens a new card, it doesnâ??t matter where the thief comes from, you are not liable for it.
they were horrible. it took two days to get them to fax over a copy of my last statement. I had paid it off and they didnt update my report. I just wanted a copy for my mtg broker to show that there was a zero balance. the first time it looked like they tried to fax it, but had it upside down. I got a fax and all it had was a compucredit header. Finally after a few hours on the phone they got it right. They were all indian.
I can't believe this discussion thread has emerged (no pun intended) from the dead. The article you report is regarding an incident in Israel and not India. Also, while you cite and instance of credit card fraud in Israel, you have failed to post every article that has appeared in U.S. newspapers in the last year RE: cases of credit card fraud in THIS country, including those at call centers in this country. Why not? Because there are many more examples of credit card fraud here. You can be concerned all you want about a customer service representative in India stealing your information and identity, but I would still be infinitely more concerned about an American doing that to me. Hawg Hanner
I'm going to put my in my nickels worth here on the subject. With ID theft being rampant in this country, I am very uncomfortable with having my personal info, like ss#, address, phone #, etc., available to others in another country where it would be so much harder to prosecute or even catch them. I would never knowingly have an account with a company that sends my info out of this country for any servicing at all.
Hawg.... obviously you missed my entire point by opening this thread. I DO NOT CARE WHAT COUNTRY IT IS. MY BEST FRIEND IS FROM INDIA, MY SECOND BEST FROM EGYPT. I CARE THAT MY INFO, THE SHIT I WORKED SUPER HARD TO GET TO BE GOOD IS IN THE HANDS OF SOMEONE "OUTSIDE THE USA LAW". While I understand anyone can be prosecuted, it is much harder for the us govt to go to india to get someone for screwing us. PERIOD.
Fine. Then I would recommend against doing business with any American company that has assets overseas, because given your view, any information those said companies have on you can and would be compromised and then you would not have as many rights of action against those companies. How you wouldn't be able to hold an American company liable for such actions, regardless of who they contract, I don't know. But by doing so, you will likely pay a higher price for your goods than me (because I will do business with such companies) and I run a very, very small risk of anything happening to my information in just such a case. Hawg Hanner