employee pays employers debt????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by f40rswm, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. f40rswm

    f40rswm New Member

    I was employed by a large service company. I was issued a uniform, a van, ladders, a gas card, and a CREDIT CARD. My name was listed 2nd. I did not apply for the card or give any credit information for the card. The only thing I signed was from the employer that I acknowledged that the card was for company business only and that any personal charges would be deducted from my pay check.
    Last July They filed bankruptcy and collected the van,ladders, uniform,gas and credit card and laid us all off.
    I just got a letter from a collection agency stating that they would make a generous offer and allow me to pay only$1600 of the $1800 that it would be listed as a satisfied lien on my credit record. That if I did not pay it there would be a judgment issued against me and it would ruin my credit.
    Somebody, please tell me this is a scam.
    I cannot believe that I would be financially responsible for my former employers debt because they filed bankruptcy and protected themselves.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Send them the Validation Letter and inform the CA that you were only an "Authorized User" on that card, and have no legal responsibility to pay the charges
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    They will try anything they think they can get away with.

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