Employment credit checks

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by thecatslai, Jan 27, 2003.

  1. MaddKredit

    MaddKredit Well-Known Member

    What if you hired the person with the understanding that if they did not stay on for a year, they would have to repay the legal fees for their license? Just because someone fell on hard times, they should not doomed. I think they at least deserve the chance to explain what happened, eg. loss of job, illness, etc. In this economy, there will be more and more people filing bankruptcy as long as bush keeps spending money on a war we cannot afford. IMHO... Don't mean to get political...
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Been Pondering This

    When you apply for a job, HR has to bend over backwards to not ask DOB, etc. because of age discrimination. Yet, if they pull a CR, your birthdate is on there! Now, if they don't hire you, and say you are 50 something, it seems like it could be a sticky wicket for businesses.
  3. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Been Pondering This

    When you apply for a job, HR has to bend over backwards to not ask DOB, martial status, etc. because of age discrimination. Yet, if they pull a CR, your birthdate is on there, and alot of times your spouses's name! Now, if they don't hire you, and say you are 50 something, or married and within um "child bearing years", it seems like it could be a sticky wicket for businesses.
  4. flamva

    flamva Well-Known Member

    << Do you think I'm screwed and should move on to another company? Kim >>

    If you like your job and the company, don't move on without looking into it first. Can you be upfront with the HR person and ask him/her what they are looking for?

    Don't assume you are screwed because your credit is screwed up. Late last year, my DH was being considered for an incredible job that would more than double his salary and provide fantastic future opportunities. When we learned they were going to do a credit check we thought he was doomed (his credit is *very* baaaad). DH seriously thought he wasn't going to get offered the job and just accepted that as fact. He was embarrassed about his credit and didn't ask the company what they were looking for and didn't want to discuss it or explain it to anyone.

    We don't know what they were looking for, but what they saw didn't matter. He was offered the job and has been loving it for four months. Now, thanks to the expert advice on this board, we are in the process of cleaning up his credit.

    Good luck to you.


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