Epinions on Household Bank Mas

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by John Debto, Jun 24, 2000.

  1. John Debto

    John Debto Guest

    I take it that Household Bank is ok? if you pay your bill on time, and you don't mind a
    relatively high interest rate (about 20%)??

    They are in the 'B' category? Somewhere between sub-prime and prime?

  2. BarryN - C

    BarryN - C Guest

    RE: Epinions on Household Bank


    Now that they bought out Orchard Bank, they are smack dab in the middle of the sub-prime world. Before that, they offered a sub-prime card much like the others out there. I think they will begin rolling all their sub-prime clients into the Orchard program.

    However, reputation wise, they are heavy hitters in the finance industry... besides the Sub-prime offerings, they also handle the GM Mastercard, Best Buy, Lennox, and others. They are big in home financing under the HFC name.

    I would reccommend them as long as you are aware of the little catches in the fine print.



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