Iâ??ve been pulling my report daily and at 112 inquiries, my hards started bumping off-until today. For some reason my inquiries went up to 115 without bumpage! In addition, the extra soft I gained (in addition to my two daily from pulling my report) was inserted last night but given a date of 9/17. It was a PRM soft. So what gives? Did EQ do some sort of upgrade that does not allow inquiries to be bumped?
This happened today?? When did you pull your report?? I pulled mine after 9pm last night and had bumpage. I hope it didn't stop!!! mysti_summer
Mike say it aint so!!!!!!!! I was thinking maybe it's not a fixed number that causes bumbage even for each individual. at least I hope that's what is happening, because I only have 80 inq with my soft and haven't gotten to the bumpage!!!
I just read another thread and someone said that occasionally bumpage stops and thier inquiries grow, and then stop and bumpage starts back up. I'll let you know what I find out after I poke around some more.
I got bumpage last night, I can't pull again until 10:30pm est. I hope it's still working. Me and Hubby have 2 left each.
I got 2 softs bumped today. Next hard should be tomorrow. Hopefully it's ok. Even if it's not, I went from 8 or 9 down to 2. I'm happy!
Bumpage is fine. I had a hard go bye bye yesterday. Occassionally the inq's from you pulling your report won't show for a day or two and then all of a sudden, you get 4 or 6 added and 4 or 6 deleted. Relax. All is well!
Just another update. I just got my report and put an acct balance into dispute. I got 2 softs and a disclosure, and I lost 3 on the bottom.
i noticed my 'bumpage' stopped for a few inquiries when a TL came off.. started up once again after 3 or 4 days though. did you lose something or did something change on your report ?
Actually, no additions or deletions of accounts. The only changes were on one account, where the account balance was updated. There was an additional PRM inquiry inserted also, but given a date of 9/17. My FICO went down a whole 5 points-I think because my utilization changed significantly with the account balance update. Other than that, nothing else.
I am up to 176 inq.... i have one hard left and just lost a hard a few days ago.. my bumpage started at about 120 inquiries... it slowly grows... and i slowly lose more inq. kev
I hate to admit this... but I wish people would quit posting about this so obviously in the post headers... Eq will get whiff of it and it will disappear b/f I get my hard inq's off ;(
Hubby and I both got it today. It was his first time, w/ 114. His were both really old, about to come off w/in the next couple of months. He'll lose his last tomorrow. I have one more, will come off in 10 days. Mine was from Aug, so I got 5 points from it. Yeah! (Sears kicked me out of the 700 club, but I'm clawing my way back w/ a 693)
I like Rumplestiltskin Did you get any Rumplestiltskin today? They both got Rumplestiltskin Rumplestiltskined 2 times today... I like it