First, I have to thank Marie, Nana C and Nave, among others here for this deletion. I am still breathless after looking at my Equifax report again and again in disbelief. Here are my C.H.O.D. results... Equifax - I challenged the public record in the manner Marie suggested: " I do not have a Chap 7 Bankruptcy public record listed under account number xxxxxxx-xxx " I disputed during the holidays as Nave suggested. It has been deleted. Experian - 4 hard inquires were disputed and deleted. Trans Union - I disputed 2 discharged BK accounts. They were verified and remain on the credit report. BTW - The public record of the BK only ever made it into Equifax. TU and EX never reported it so I just had 3 years taken off my 10 year Chap 7 sentence. My credit reports which were horrible a year ago now appear as follows: Experian - No derogatories Equifax & TU - 2 Discharged BK credit card accounts remain on each report. They will drop off in under 4 years. In a week I will request an EQ credit score and see if my score has moved up from the 680 range. Long live the board. Jim
Congrats Jim. I have ? on that. Were they reporting the bk with an incorrect file # or what was the situation?
Congrats! Was the number just wrong? If so, that is excellent....I say great to catch them in their lack of good recordkeeping. We just disputed my husband's ch 7 from 1993 on TU--shows -0- liabilities which is of course wronf also with Experian since the liability amount is incorrect by about $30 or so. We'll see what happens, if they even attempt to verify.
Thanks LKH, As far as I know the account number should be correct. If my memory serves me correctly here, Marie and Nana C said something long ago about the account number changing when it is verified. This public record was verified during early 2001. I hate to appear as an incompetent here. But the bottom line is that when I discussed how to dispute my public record with Marie and Nana C some months ago, I was informed to dispute in this manner. So I just followed directions and it is gone. Perhaps one of them will see this thread and elaborate. Also, maybe the account number has nothing to do with the deletion. Maybe EQ is actually verifying with the court and either did not get a response or maybe the record just was not to be found by some court clerk. As I said, I just followed directions. LOL Jim
Well. let me clarify. I think what we said was "I have never filed a bk with 0 liabilities. Please delete" because our bks were listed with 0 liabilities and assets. but if the number is incorrect that's great too. Maybe Jim lucked out who cares, it's off :___)
What about a judgement, what do you say? Somehow I got it deleted off of TU over the holidays via on-line, but not Exp. and it has never shown up on Equifax. I am disputing it again on-line with Exp. by saying that I tried to validate it with the Collection Company and they have sent me nothing. Do you think it will work? Just in case it won't work, does anybody have any suggestions?
Cariba congrats!! I saw that you got a Bk removed. Niceguy, I will have to do a search on Innovis. Best regards, Jim
That's great Jim!!! I have to go check mine. I know mine shows as a public record on all 3 of my reports, but I think Experian is the only one that had any figures (which I didn't check). I know for sure TU has zero balances for my assets and liabilities. I'm just wondering if I understand this right, you have two accounts that show as discharged or inlcuded in chapter 7, but no posting of the public record?? How the heck did that happen? Was that just luck? My hubby and I have 5 each on all of our reports. I don't see how I could dispute the bk with these accounts right on the report. Am I missing something here? It would be nice to know if I have some teensy chance down the road of getting it off. Again, you're my mentor for cleaning up and moving on post bankruptcy. Way to go, I"m really happy for you!!!!
Marie, on my Experian report it shows 0 liability but they have investigated it a few times as "not mine" and now I can't dispute it online anymore. Should I try to dispute by mail, using the reason of 0 liabilities and assets as being incorrect? By the way, congrats, Jim!
That is unbelievable! I never thought that could be done. I have a discharged ch 7 from 1999...i just looked at my reports and they are listed as $0 Assets, $0 Liabilites Could someone please tell me how to dispute this? I know somewhere i saw some really good letters, but now I can't seem to find them again. If I dispute this, will they just update the amounts? What is the reason use to dispute it? I can't say it's not mine...because it is..... plus in the section of all the creditors, it says Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
Thanks for the kind words. The board here has been my mentor a long time now. After my BK, I got a Capital One card, 2 credit union visa cards, 1 secured credit union loan and an auto loan. Then I discovered the board by accident. Every move that I have made since then has been taught to me by the board. Enough said... LOL My BK was unusual. Each of the 3 CRA's reported 6 discharged credit card accounts. 2 of the CRA's reported my foreclosure ( I think it was EX and TU). But only Equifax ever reported the BK in the public records section. If you add these negatives together - They total 21. All 21 were on my credit reports 1 year ago. Now I have a total of 4 items. 17 have been deleted. I would not have had the nerve to dispute the public record until C.H.O.D. this year. However, Junum disputed it for me early in 2001. I have no idea what they said but it came back verified. Nana C said something about her BK being under her maiden name or under a prior married name. That may have been a factor in her deletion. BTW - It may be impossible for me to get rid of these last 4 negative items before they die a natural death in 2005. Jim
Hi Rutheena, Hand write a letter like I did after you have thoroughly researched the BK topic and feel comfortable with what you are doing. I deliberately waited until the Holiday season to do this dispute. Jim
Congratulations Jim. You deserve it. Keep chugging with the remaining items, can't hurt.. Everyone pulls Experian for you anyway out there Wish you all the best. -Peace, Dave
Wow...this is great news Jim. Glad to hear that. I know your scores are going to go up in light of this but don't be surprised if it's a small increase. You know how it goes...LOL...
Thanks Nave, I am happy you saw my thread here as your C.H.O.D. program appears to be successful for quite a few of us. Jim
Hi MP$40, LOL - I will probably get 2 or 3 points - Just as if an inquiry had been deleted. - LOL FICO scoring is such a mystery and I have so little confidence that EQ has even updated my score yet that I am waiting until next week to even look at Scorepower. Jim