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EQ Chap 7 BK public record deleted!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Jan 11, 2002.

  1. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Yeah the reason why I say that is because you were already in the 680 range WITH the BK. That is pretty damn good for having a BK on your record. Your score is better than most WITH OUT a BK. So, I guess we'll have to see. It would be nice if the deletion put you in the 700 club.
  2. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    You lucky bumm!!!

    So those of us with 3 Public Records can work on disputes with technicalities of how it's listed maybe...

    But how did you dispute the actual listed accounts? Are the four remaining ones on your report that listed the public record info? Or one of the ones that didn't? Did you dispute as "not mine?" I wouldn't have a clue what reason to use unless I could get the public record off first...

    I'm still shocked that it worked out for you! That's just awesome! I think my chances seem slim with all three (and now maybe 4?) but down the line I may try something.
  3. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Jim , not trying to steal your thunder but I didn't want to start a new thread on this same subject.

    Marie, any thoughts on my question?
  4. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it'll be more difficult if you've disputed it before but I'd try a paper dispute

    Never filed a bk with 0 liabilities/assets. Please delete.

    IF you don't have any "included in bk" listings it'll be easier. Also if you don't have the address on your file that you used for the bk it might help.

    I think someone felt generous around the holidays and let Jim's go.

    who knows. it can't hurt. If they say they investigated you could always ask for a procedural description and see if you get it. then, if you dare, you could sue based on that.

    they are NOT going to want to back down on a bk because they can access paperwork when pushed.

    It's up to you. doesn't hurt you to keep trying.
  5. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    The discharged accounts are easier to get off than the public record. Dispute the discharged accounts as "not mine". Do the public record last - maybe next XMAS.

    I have 2 verified accounts on EQ and 2 on TU.

  6. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member


    My Ch 7 from 7/92, last derog on EQ, brought my score from 697 to 758! Someone said that the last 1 or 2 derogs on a report give you a lot of points. I did not expect that at all--so don't be surprised at the major boost that it has given you.

  7. Coco

    Coco Well-Known Member

    The only CRA with any liabilities listed is EX. The liabilities are right if you look at the original paperwork filed, but there is an amended schedule of creditors that was filed after the creditor meeting. Now technically the liabilities are off by several hundred.

    My TU and EQ list no liabilities. I disputed it online with TU and it came back verified, no change. Still $0 liabilities. I would suggest not disputing it online. I will dispute it again in writing. If EX can list liabilities then there is no excuse for the other CRA's. I know for a fact from those I know that have filed BK in the past that TU and EQ have listed liabilities.

    As far as trying to get some of the accounts that were included in BK off, take some time and analyze your accounts that are listed in BK. See if there is anything about the account reporting incorrectly. Chances are there are things reporting incorrectly such as the account listing as a charge-off instead of discharged in BK, the account showing as a BK petition filed when the discharge has already taken place, the account showing as being late after the BK petition was filed, etc. It may not be obvious the first or second time you look at it, but you may find some. Go dispute it directly with the creditor. Start at the bottom (like customer service) and do it by letter with any documentation to back you up via CRR. Keep any and all copies of green cards and what you send. Give it 30 days and work your way up the managerial chain. It might take a little time and several letters, but you might be able to either get the account off or even one might be moved to positive status. I got one complete deletion and three accounts moved to a positive/closed status. I also got three accounts that were reporting wrong to be corrected.

    Jim-Congrats on your sucess! If I remember correctly, your BK is not that old. Good luck furthering your credit!
  8. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    Thanks Coco!!

    I HAVE seen these types of things now that you mention them and will work on them by letter also. They didn't seem right to me in the first place but I just figured I may be stuck with them. It certainly won't hurt to try!! Thank you so much for the help!!

    And thanks too Jim! This thread was a great help to me. I just love this board. I've learned so much.

    newstdt ")
  9. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the further input on this thread from you fellow board members.

    I actually expect very little change in my EQ score due to the deletion of the public record of the BK. If I make the 700 club - that would be great but you all have to remember that 2 negative discharged credit card accounts remain on my EQ report. MP$40 made a very intelligent comment that the credit score change may not be that great. I agreed with her. We will know in a week when I report back to the board.

    My BK was filed in 11-98 and discharged in 2-99. That is fairly recent. If I can move to prime credit, anyone with a BK can by following the board daily as I have and acting on believable success stories.Just witness...

    Cap One Executive office
    Ford motor company
    Credit unions

    COCO gave good advice.

    Newstdt - Take courage here. We BKer's are in the minority here. Most board members are dealing with collections and judgements.

    In my humble opinion, ca's and judgements are worse to deal with. Lizardking did the collection folks a big favor by arriving on the board and providing a methodoligy to deal with these matters.

    My credit problem was much simpler. A Chap 7 BK with 6 credit card accounts and a foreclosure included. The solution: add new positive credit and aggressively try to delete the bad.

  10. Coco

    Coco Well-Known Member

    Thanks Newstdt and Jim for the vote of confidence.

    I do this only with accounts either reporting in violation with either the BK statutes or FCRA. I do not do a "not mine" or deny that I filed a BK with the creditor when disputing with the creditor. I just tell them what is wrong with the account and to fix it. To my surprise, I have had some great results.

    You would not believe how screwed up you credit file can get once you go through BK. This is beyond the obvious damage a BK does. You have to go through your credit report with a fine tooth comb.

    It takes time and patience. Mine is still a work in progress and I probably will end up suing at least one of the CRA's. You just need to get your papertrail together.

    I agree with Jim. You need to add new positive post BK tradelines. Don't expect any prime just yet, I certainly am not there yet. Also limit your new credit lines as well. I went the route of Cap One, FCNB, and a secured CU card. That was more than enough for me. Remember, you want to show responsibility, so don't go crazy. Do a secured installment loan using a savings or CD account. With a combination of rebuilt credit and credit report damage control you will be on your way. I have also learned to scrutinize what my money is spent on and focus on saving as well.

    This board also gets a big THANKS! The information is priceless. The members are an inspiration.

    Best of luck!
  11. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    I hope this does not sound trite. What I am about to say is sincere..

    AMEN - I agree!!!

    Once a BK is discharged, no one can come after you for the discharged accounts.

    Therefore, add new credit and dispute the negative acounts. No collection agency can come after you with threats. No judgements can be added to your CRA reports.

  12. Carrot

    Carrot Member

    You Go Jim!

    Hey all!

    I've been MIA for about a year now (credit repair overwhelmed me) but I decided to drop in and I'm glad I did! Congratulations on your deletion Jim-- I'm so jealous! Now you can make me an AU on all your prime credit...

  13. mome2em

    mome2em Member

    Jim --

    Congrats -- Now I have a question for you.. Did you do this on your own or did you have an attorney?

    **** contemplating a CH 7 ****
  14. superadman

    superadman Banned

    What an excellent question that is. I am waiting patiently for the answer as well...

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Doesn't being 'PUBLIC RECORD FREE' feel good?

    BTW Congratulations!
  16. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Dam Can't believe I missed this post

    Jim Good for you, from one Bk'er to another. Unfortuanatly my CH7 is reported correctly on all three reports!

    I was thinking of just disputing them whem my last Bk'ed Account falls off.

    My scores have also been in the 680's. (When I'm not using alot of my credit).
  17. mome2em

    mome2em Member

    I was advised to file a Ch 7 Bk, do you think it's a good idea? Did it help you? I am stuck...
  18. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Hi guys,

    I missed the questions posted on 1-17-2002. That was a difficult day for me due to personal reasons and I do not post too much on the board any more. However, I am still here and let me take an opportunity to share...

    No attorney was used. My hand written dispute was "short and sweet" and sent during the holidays.

    Fat Jake - I don't believe that there was anything wrong with my BK account number. I cannot state why the deletion took place. But I have noticed that the simple - almost moronic approach - works extremely well when disputing. Especially at the busy Holiday season. Also, I did not use registered mail

  19. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    I forgot to add that my EQ score rose 10 points to 690 with the public BK deletion.

  20. superadman

    superadman Banned

    I'm trying a new strategy this week. I'll post if it works. Got to kill that 7. Got to.

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