EQ Fax Disputes

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Dec 20, 2002.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Has anyone had any luck during CHOD disputing EQ via fax? I faxed them a couple about 20 days ago and they haven't been notated on Creditwatch. I faxed to CSC, and I was debating whether to wait and demand deletion after 30 days or what. Charlie
  2. Zaxxon

    Zaxxon Well-Known Member

    How do we know a fax number we find on various postings (and sites) are real numbers to the CRAs?

    The dispute we might fax will contain info on SSN and DOB (usually copy of SS card and Driver's License) and that info would give a baddie enough to cause us harm.

    Not saying I don't trust some members, but the CRAs don't publish any official numbers, and the fax numbers I've seen vary from site to site.
  3. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it will help, since you have to go through CSC, but the ones I've faxed to Equifax directly have been placed in dispute and then deleted (I faxed them deletion letters from CA's).

    As far as whether or not the fax numbers I've used actually belong to the CRA's, I have had everything deleted from all 3 that I've faxed deletion letters to the numbers I got from here. I therefore deduced that the numbers actually belonged to the CRA's because otherwise the deletions wouldn't have happened.
  4. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Hi Zax,

    I just got off the phone with EQ. I was disputing personal info. I sent in disputes to delete past incorrect personal info. I sent in a copy of my social security card and a copy of a utility bill. The CSR stated they got my letter, but somehow did NOT get my items verifying identity.

    The CSR told me to fax the copies of SS card and utility bill to EQ. This was the fax number given:

    (877) 685-8100 attn: Verification Dept.

    The CSR worked for Team E. with EQ. I faxed it and called back. They have the copies. So, this fax number works for EQ.

    I currently don't have fax numbers to EX or TU.

    I hope this helps ...
  5. Zaxxon

    Zaxxon Well-Known Member


    I saw some fax numbers on the members.cox.net/faircredit/creditreports.htm site, but then noticed the page had not been updated since March 2002.
  6. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    I faxed CSC in El Paso on thanksgiving night(was at work)... I disputed 8 accounts on my wifes report... they took 3 days and only marked 5 accounts as being in dispute... Im not going to bother them about the other 3 until the 30 days are up...
  7. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Just updating another fax number. I called TU late yesterday. Spoke with a CSR about my disputes. I asked him is there a fax number to send disputes. He gave me 2 fax numbers:

    610-546-4605 (consumer contact dept.)
    714-447-6032 (california office)

    I tried both numbers, they work.

    Just sharing info ...

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