Eq is down:this maybe time to apply

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Cyprigirl, Jan 22, 2002.

  1. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    I have not been able to get my EQ report online for 2 weks now and tested a litte theory of mine and it seems to have worked.

    I noticed that when I could not get access to my EQ report online and I then I applied to creditor who does normally pull EQ and I found that they could not get my report either. In fact, one lender told me that Eq reported to them that I have no file.

    What I also noticed that if they normally pull EQ for instant approval, you did no get a instant response and that they pulled either TU or EX. I have only tried it a few times once with AMEX and Discover and both times they pulled EX, when they normally pull EQ for my area.

    So if you have a good report on TU and/or EX and there is card you were trying to get and they normally only pulled EQ, I would go and give it a try now.

    But make sure to try and see if you can get access to your report first, if you can then don't bother, but if you can't, try it .

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    ooh, i need eq, that is my best and i just applied for cu loan. i just hope that they do not pull tu, my worst report!
  3. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    or maybe this is not the time to apply :)

  4. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    How do we know it will not work for them?
    I would hate to loose another inquiry
  5. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    If you cannot get access to your EQ report online now then it is highly likely neither will the creditor, Eq has been down for 2 weeks now and i can't even get a new score with them so this maye your opportunity or missed opportunity as uniondiva reminded me.

  6. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    All the CHOD disputes overloaded their systems!
  7. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    I have not had any problem with Equifax lately. I am suscribed to the Monitoring service and it has been working fine for me.
  8. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    GEO have you gotten reports or you get email notification, when did you get your last report?

  9. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I just got my report & score on 1/18/02.....haven't had any problems viewing
  10. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    That is strange because I have not been able to get a new report at all and I subscribe to the fico score and I have two remaining reports and can't get a new one, could not even subscribe to Credit Watch. I have tried for others in my household could not get their reports either, so who knows what is going on at EQ.

    But like I said if you cannot access your report on Eq, then it is highly likely the creditor cannot either, I have already tried it and they have pulled EX for me when I know they normally pull, EQ.

    Good luck:)

  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I just got a new equifax report on Sunday 1/20. No problem with report and score.
  12. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    Cyprigirl, I had a similar problem, and I found out the reason... Get ready for some convoluted stuff...

    I subscribed to Credit Watch as well as Score Power. They worked for me for a long while, but one day I went to pull my score and nothing happened. I then tried to pull a Credit Watch report (one of the 6 they give you for the year), and nothing again. I then waited a couple of days, thinking I had simply signed on during a glitch, and tried again. No dice. I called customer service, and they escalated it and couldn't tell me what the problem was.

    AT THIS POINT I WAS FRUSTRATED AS HELL, LOL. After all, I'd paid for the products, but they weren't working for me. So I went bananas. I called and REALLY GOT TESTY WITH THEM. :-D Someone called me back and said something along these lines (paraphrase):

    "Well, we think we know the problem. It seems that you have an incredible number of soft inquiries -- like 160 of them. Many of them are inquiries from where you have pulled your own report during disputes. Some are the once-weekly soft inquiries from Privista. Regardless, this is a bug in our system -- you've got so many soft inquiries that our server isn't parsing and delivering your reports and scores as it should."

    On the one hand, I was happy to hear something in the direction of an explanation. On the other hand, I was still pissed. :) I then called our local Equifax affiliate and told them the problem. They had never heard of this before but set to work deleting a bunch of soft "Equifax" and "ACIS" and "Choicedata" inquiries. Once they removed about 50 of them, I tried the web site again, and everything worked fine.

    Now, I realize that this may not be your problem at all. I also realize that it's really EQUIFAX'S REPONSIBILITY TO FIX THE PROBLEM rather than mine. Regardless, I navigated my way through the system to a solution (of sorts).

    Moral of the story: their web servers aren't entirely bug-free, but that doesn't mean "Equifax is down" for two weeks. (Believe me, Equifax doesn't go down for two weeks. There's a dirty joke in here somewhere, by the way, but I won't go there.) I hope this helps.

  13. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    Thanks Doc for clearing it up and I will let your comments slide on this one:p

    Equifax has the poorest online service of all three and I wish they would get their act together.

    Although your theory may apply to me as well, because during the process of cleaning up my file, I incurred tons of inquiries, but I could not access reports for others in my household, which led me to think that Equifax was all the way the down for two weeks!

  14. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    But it is still possible that a certain consumer's EFX file would be inaccessible for a while, in which case Cypri's theory can yield positive results.

  15. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    True, true. :)

  16. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    YEAH, it sure can:)

  17. Big beacon

    Big beacon Well-Known Member

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    I can't see there would be any positive results. If a file could not be found, that is an instant decline. They are not going to keep running different bureau reports untile they find the file.
  18. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    If after they get "no file" from Equifax they proceed to check Experian or TU which may be better reports than your Equifax report....hint hint.

    -Peace, Dave
  19. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    Thanks for clarifying my point Nave:)

  20. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Eq is down:this maybe time to a

    I doubt it gives a "no file" output. There's probably a different output, along the lines of "file inaccessible right now".


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