EQ Upgrading to Beacon 5.0 Scores

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Shanyl, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    Effective October 3, 2004, Equifax will be upgrading all mortgage industry customers from older versions of BEACON®, including the Enhanced BEACON, BEACON 93, and BEACON 96 score versions, to BEACON 5.0.

    After the scheduled conversion, Equifax will no longer support older versions of BEACON scores, and your account will begin receiving the corresponding new score version. All automotive industry customers were automatically upgraded on June 6, 2004.

    BEACON 5.0 is available now through First American CREDCO. If you choose to upgrade before October 3, please verify that your financing sources will accept the upgraded score(s) before the conversion.

    See page here

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