I've had problems with "high volume" error messages at CreditWatch from time to time, but today's is unprecedented: Even though my dad, wife and friend could all pull their report this afternoon AT THE SAME TIME I was trying, I could not pull mine--just kept getting the same error message repeated below. Of course calling did no good, since they said they can't do anything about this error message. In the past when this error message has always popped up, my report and score were available moments later--I've tried 8 times today, hours apart, with no results any one of those times. Anyone having anything similar happen? Thoughts on the cause? TIA, Dave "High Volume We're sorry, we are experiencing unusually high volumes and are unable to immediately process your request. We have captured your order and our system will continue to retry processing attempts. You will be notified via e-mail when your order transaction has been completed."
I've had it happen. I could pull the rest of my families reports, but mine would keep giving me the message. Usually something has changed on my repoert when I can finally get on.
I was told that this was a problem with Internet Explorer and my ISP. When I just use IE it works fine.
The error message is bogus message. It has nothing to do with "high volume of requests". Your file is actually too big. Call them and ask to delete at least 50 inquiry. That's my experience.
Platinum, that sounds right. I've been pulling for months now... Is there a way to request this that maximizes the possibility that they'll delete both, rather than just softs?
Dave, When I received that error message I did not have any hard. In order to make it possible for me to pull my report through CW they deleted more than 50 soft inquiries.
the only times I get this message is after I have gotten the other " already subscribed" message because I didn't wait the full 24 hrs. then after I knew the 24hrs was up I try again and get the "high volume" message. this message did not go away until I got the stupid e-mail that my order was recieved.
Thanks for the replies. I gather the best way to handle this is simply call, explain the situation, ask them to remove a chunk of inquiries without specifying anything about how this needs to be done. Sound right?
If you want only softs removed, you could call them. Odds are good though, that by calling them, you'll not get them to remove any hards. You can always try though. I've gotten that message before too, but usually I can get right on afterwards, and it shows a new report. Very strange. Have you tried again?
This same thing just happened to me... When I called they said they were deleting all of my inquiries and my files would be merged back into one.. I had 176 inquiries total.. I only had 1 hard... Kev
Update: even though my report looks the same (142 inquiries in the summary), I can now pull just fine, 2 days later. Very strange...will post again if I get an update.