Equ probs, need a super's #

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Nov 25, 2001.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I had a charge off, I paid it to the creditors internal collection agency sent a letter agreeing to remove it. TU and Exp deleted the day I called (and faxed over the paper with the womans name and sig on it). I called EQU the very same day, faxed over the paper, did the same procedure for all 3 bureaus. However Equ ignored the DIRECT instructions I gave them. Instead they called some other lady in customer service and all this lady said was it is now paid. However it should be removed. This is my last "credit problem" with equifax minus the inquiries. Does anyone have a supervisors #? I deal with the HQ in Atlanta.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Robin Holland
    VP- Office of Consumer Affairs
  3. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    That is interesting because I was told in July/August that Equifax no longer makes phone calls.

    Michael C. Glass
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    You know they have told me a few different things in the past month.
    1. They don't call unless it is NOT an 800 number.
    2. They will call only if they have copy of a SIGNED letter from whatever company you are disputing.
    3. They will call if you fax the letter.
    4. They can't give out the fax number (the woman from #3 gave me the fax).
    5. They verify via computers.
  5. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    One thing I can tell you for sure is that one cannot become #1 fooling with the credit bureaus.
    They will give you a run around at every opportunity.

    They tell you that your dispute is frivolous and leave you up the creek without a paddle.
    Their obfuscations and flimflammery are endless.

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