This is strange , today when I pulled my EQ report on creditwatch, it sent me a different email, including my passwd which made it look like I just signed up for creditwatch again. another wierd thing is that I have a Equifax inquiry from 4/22 that I didnt initiate, don't have any disputes or anything going neither. On top of that , from the creditwatch main page, Im missing my credit pulls from the last 4 days. anyone else see this? I wonder if they are switch legacy customers who can pull reports everyday to the new 'quarterly' account?
I haven't looked today...I will at about 18:45 me 18:55 her... If they transfer you to 4 for the year...DUMP THEM!!!! DO THE MATH!!! I will go back to the SCORE POWER ever-other-month for $12.95 X 3 AND GET ONE FREE... $38.85...get 8 for about the same price ($77.70)...of their SO-CALLED new and improved offer. JUST REMEMBER TO "GET A NEW ONE" on the 3rd to the 5th of the MONTH...many times the 1st and the 2nd day of the month are not a "NEW MONTH"...and don't pull a NEW ONE on SATURDAY or SUNDAY... YMMV
Weird. I just got off the phone with them. They had me veryfy my address and a bunch of stuff off my credit file. The rep told me she had to asjust my "score" so I could log in. I asked her what score. She said that everyone has a "score" that they use internally and if your score is low they need to verify your identity more often. Huh? So now I can sign in... My Beacon score is up 11 points! My Macy's account they deleted last week is suddenly back.
Yep.. the confirmation email looks different today. It also contains my password in clear text and tells me to go to to view my new report. I hope I can still pull tomorrow. BTW: when the telephone rep had me verify info from my report, it generated a soft... Between that, PG, the report I pulled and the inquiry for the score it will be four today!
WOAH! All of my prior credit reports and scores after July 20, 2002 are GONE from the Credit Watch system.
Re: Re: Equifax changing folks over? So, your score now not only effects your credit but whether or not you can even see it!!!!! I guess it's not enough to say low scores = bad drivers but now low scores = too dumb to see report. 0
WIFE LOST TONS OF PULLS (9 MONTHS)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Credit Report and Score as of 04/27/2003 Credit Report and Score as of 07/26/2002 Credit Report and Score as of 07/25/2002 Credit Report and Score as of 07/24/2002 Credit Report and Score as of 07/23/2002 Credit Report and Score as of 07/22/2002 Credit Report and Score as of 07/21/2002
Re: Re: Re: Equifax changing folks over? I had used up all my reports/scores, but now I have 3. Weird.
Re: Re: Re: Equifax changing folks over? I lost all my reports since 10/9/2002. I wonder will this benefit my friend who just received the 45d notice and NOONE wants to help rectify it?
Re: Re: Re: Equifax changing folks over? PARANIOD=GOOD EQUIFAX today says I closed my WAL*MART STORE CARD...I DON'T THINK SO!!!! The only other "STORE" card I have is SEARS!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Equifax changing folks Anybody else??? IF THEY ARE "TAKING US FOR A RIDE" I WANT TO KNOW...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Equifax changing folks My creditwatch subscription expired 2 weeks ago and I did not renew. I just checked and they gave me 5 score powers. In fact, I just used one. I thought that was very thoughtful of them to give me 5 free score powers. LOL