Equifax corrects TL overnight!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by christy461, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. christy461

    christy461 Active Member

    Wow! After reading a few of the "I was nice and they did..." posts here, I decided to try it on one of mine.

    Equifax had been reporting a CC TL incorrectly for months. I was working on bigger things, and called (shouldn't call, but this was minor compared to the other things on my reports) and said I had disputed three times with them already, (I had, but it was online and I didn't follow up), had called the card issuer (I had, but not about them!), and if this account was not corrected I'd "...be forced to send them a bunch of paperwork and pursue legal means of resolution. Less than 24 hours later it was corrected!

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