Equifax Creditwatch $39.95

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hermit5, Aug 23, 2002.

  1. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Creditwatch $39.95

    it won't last long!

    try the next message link.
  2. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

  3. suedan217

    suedan217 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    I am going to try and get this. That is a great deal.
  4. suedan217

    suedan217 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Well I tried and it said that since I was already once a member, I could not take advantage of it. Does anyone have the Internet product service number. I will try and talk to them.
  5. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    1-888-532-0179...Im a member now in my free trial offer. Im going to call and tell them to change it to $39.95 or im going to cancel, and if they wont do that I"ll cancel and resign up.
  6. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Well I dont know whats going on but I just called them and he said he wasnt aware of this special and than put me on hold for about 10 minutes. He said that he checked around and asked his supervisor and he is 100% assure that Equifax is not offering this right now. He also suggested that I stay "on guard" because some services will offer some type of variance of EQ Creditwatch but its very different. Well I dont know whats going on. The link posted above takes you to a page that says is $39.95. when you got o econsumer.equifax.com and click on credit watch it says the normal price..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Strange..
  7. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Well now when you go straight to econsumer.equifax.com it DOES SHOW IT FOR $39.95! IM CALLING THEM BACK!
  8. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Well I just checked once more before calling them back and it says 69.95 for me again, this is really weird ..
  9. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Its from Microsoft Money.

    If you guys keep calling asking for it you're gonna blow it.

    It wouldn't take mine at first because I was a previous member but I just kept clicking through and got it.

    Stay off the phone or they will surly delete it.
  10. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Just called, cancelled and then re-ordered online for $39. Looks ok, we'll see how it posts to my CC. Thanks!

  11. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Mine posted at $39.95 so it should be ok.
  12. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    I was almost tempted to ask them about the $39 rate - "Do I still get daily bumpage?"


  13. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Nothing extra for 'bumpage' comes with the deal!

    Did you print out a confirm with the $39.95 price?
  14. PIMA

    PIMA Active Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    I needed this 1 week ago! I signed up for $54.45.
    I just tried but rejected because I already have the product. I'm afraid to cancel and then try for 39.95.
    BTW Please everyone do not call equifax and ruin it for others.
  15. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    To be more precise, there's nothing wrong with calling EFX, as long as you don't bring up the $39 rate (or disclose the real reason why you're canceling).

  16. PIMA

    PIMA Active Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Saar you're right. Did you cancel tonight and immediately reorder online?
  17. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

  18. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    I cancelled my membership, tried to sign up using that link, and got to a page that said they couldn't sign me up because I was already a subscriber. When I tried to click through, it said the offer was no longer valid, or something to that effect. I tried twice, got the same message series both times. Maybe tomorrow after EFX does batch processing or something.
  19. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95

    Delete all contents of your browser cache & close it. Then try again. If the problem is duplicated, the rep probably didn't cancel your service.

  20. Bunter

    Bunter Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditwatch $39.95


    Then when I click continue:

    I'll slug it out with EFX on Monday -- I've dealt with enough garbage already today. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

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