All of a sudden, I'm a year and 10 months older? Has anyone had their DOB on Equifax change all of a sudden?
I've been dealing with mine for 6 months now. It seems as if every 6 months they decide I need a birthday and give me one!
I have to dispute my DoB every other month or two with stupid Equifax. There is another recent thread out there about this problem. They claim one of my creditors is misreporting my DoB but are unwilling/unable to tell me who is reporting it wrong. They told me I need to contact the creditor. Ya right. I have time to contact them all. Equifax just plain sucks!
I got lucky. Dh got a report a couple weeks ago showing that he was born in 1919!!! I wasn't sure what to do, then a new report arrived a few days later with the dob back to normal. No idea why this happened.
They didn't screw mine up until I started disputing. In my first dispute I listed my DOB as part of my ID verification as xx/3/xx Apparently someone misread the first slash as a 1 and changed it to 13. Two months and a photocopy of a drivers license later they fixed it.....sheesh!
Hey Bauhaus, I wish somehow they could LOCK the birthdate field once your provide proof. When I disputed my birthdate I did it online and via phone. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on changing my birthdate any time soon.
No Breeze, it doesn't change. May be I should consider changing it though. How about 1/27/36? Then I would be old enough to retire. Or I could make it 12/2/84. I could be 18 again. Boy, such difficult choices. What to do. I think I'll leave my change in birthdate to the CRAs because I trust them and they truely have my best interests in mind.
LMAO!!! I would agree, but I had to draw the line at being older than my mother. I disputed it. I did have to prove it, but, hey, they want everything to be accurate, so I understand. :^