Equifax dispute online...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Apr 16, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I have three disputes pending with EQ. One is due back the 24th of this month and two are due back towards the middle of May. I tried to dispute the fourth derog (its the one where they can't give me a correct address for the creditor and I can't locate them...they are out of business) online and it tells me I can't and if I want to dispute to either call them or mail them. Any input on the why's of this?


  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't consider 3 disputes massive enough to have the 4th considered as 'friviolous' by the CRA, so I doubt thats why they're not allowing you to do an online dispute.

    Have you tried disputing something else (but not actually going through with the dispute) just to see if another item can indeed be disputed?

    Have you ever disputed this item in the past? I ask because if the company is out of business, and Equifax has verified the account, how on earth could they have possibilty done that? And even if you have not disputed it in the past, how does Equifax expect you to be able to request validation from an out of business company?
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Yup...I've disputed it. This is the heilig-meyers account that was supposedly opened right after I moved to NY. I've sent three different CRRR's to three different addresses and all of them come back as not deliverable. EQ says those are the only addresses they have. I sent them a letter telling them to either provide and accurate address for me to contact the OC or delete. They put the other items in that same letter in dispute, but I guess they just ignored this one. This will be the one that gets them sued I'm thinking. They are absolutely horrible to deal with and I have repeated instances of them not verifying at all.

  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    I guess they decided to ignore the heilig meyers item dispute because they knew if they came back with it being "verified" they'd have dug their own grave, and by simply ignoring it, they can say "oppps-e, we didn't see that one".

    You're right, this will be the one that gets them sued.

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