Hi, Well this round of EQ disputes went fairly well - 5 derrogs went up in smoke (exactly half the tradelines I disputed). I still have work to do, but now I think I have a handle on things. -Sal
Congrats!! See. I told you the change in dispute dates at equifax was because they were deleting some items. BTW, I would say that a 50% success rate is a little better than "fairly well". It's pretty damn good.
That's terrific! Did you dispute ten at one time? I'm considering doing about that many for my dh during CHOD, but am a bit nervous about doing so many at once. L
Congrats Sal!!!! I am going to dispute my CHOD on the 20th and 22nd (4 items each), so hopefully I will be successful as you were with EQ. UNLV34
Hey, Thanks everyone - I suppose I might have done better then I originally thought. The whole joke to this is that I've been disputing all the same tradelines with equifax for months now but now they finally decide to give me a little break. Its seems to me these guys sit in they're little cubilcle and throw darts at everyones credit reports - if a dart hits your tradeline it gets deleted. Here's my advise for anyone that has several disputes, but is affraid to do them all at once - JUST DO IT. Don't worry, you really have nothing to lose, just dispute them all, and you might get lucky. -Sal
Funny ~ they progress I've made has gotten me addicted to the process.... I spend my weekend mornings composing letters over my coffee. This sunday morning, I wrote 6 total.... delete delete delete.... and now I have several items sitting on the edge of the drop-off.... I'm so anxious, I can't stand it!! keep it up and good luck!! Eq 616 TU 622 Ex ??
You aren't alone. I think a whole lot of creditnet posters get a rush from doing this.. from disputing, and from deletions.
Tom, I get my rush when I open that letter from the CRA and read "D E L E T E D". On the other hand I get really depressed when I see the word "R E M A I N S".