Equifax Dispute Success

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sal826, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    Well this round of EQ disputes went fairly well - 5 derrogs went up in smoke (exactly half the tradelines I disputed). I still have work to do, but now I think I have a handle on things.

  2. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Congrats, Sal.

    Sure gets the blood flowing when it works!
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! See. I told you the change in dispute dates at equifax was because they were deleting some items. BTW, I would say that a 50% success rate is a little better than "fairly well". It's pretty damn good.
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    That's terrific! Did you dispute ten at one time? I'm considering doing about that many for my dh during CHOD, but am a bit nervous about doing so many at once.

  5. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Congrats Sal!!!!

    I am going to dispute my CHOD on the 20th and 22nd (4 items each), so hopefully I will be successful as you were with EQ.

  6. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    Thanks everyone - I suppose I might have done better then I originally thought. The whole joke to this is that I've been disputing all the same tradelines with equifax for months now but now they finally decide to give me a little break. Its seems to me these guys sit in they're little cubilcle and throw darts at everyones credit reports - if a dart hits your tradeline it gets deleted.

    Here's my advise for anyone that has several disputes, but is affraid to do them all at once - JUST DO IT. Don't worry, you really have nothing to lose, just dispute them all, and you might get lucky.

  7. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Darts...lol. Congrats on the deletions.

  8. gargoyle

    gargoyle Well-Known Member

    Funny ~ they progress I've made has gotten me addicted to the process.... I spend my weekend mornings composing letters over my coffee. This sunday morning, I wrote 6 total.... delete delete delete.... and now I have several items sitting on the edge of the drop-off.... I'm so anxious, I can't stand it!!

    keep it up and good luck!!

    Eq 616
    TU 622
    Ex ??
  9. TomJones

    TomJones Well-Known Member

    You aren't alone. I think a whole lot of creditnet posters get a rush from doing this.. from disputing, and from deletions.
  10. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    I get my rush when I open that letter from the CRA and read "D E L E T E D". On the other hand I get really depressed when I see the word "R E M A I N S".

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