This is getting ridiculous. I've already gotten some very good feedback and a full day hasn't gone by yet. Give this post a few days, and we may have grounds for a lawsuit on our hands,or at worst, get EQ some very bad publicity. Roni - Perhaps if I take this information to Clark Howard you'd be willing to chime in as well, since you're local to the area. If I can prove that this is a serious problem it'll even be featured on the nightly news in Atlanta. I'd love to be interviewed on my experiences. Anyone else out there who's been having problems with their system feel free to speak on it. We're building some good ammo.
The sup. I spoke to said if took two years for the inquiries to come off, she still couldn't do anything. I had no problem until I signed up for CreditWatch. Ive had scorepower forever and no problems until now. Im getting the same thing, when the underwriters pull a credit report, they either cant access my file, or they only get part of it. I told the sup. that the damn inquries were from their Co., and we should be told that we cant access our files daily on this system. She agreed that something had to be done. The service rep. I spoke in tech. support said the telephones are rining off the hook. Mega people unhappy over this. And I had accounts put back that should not have been. We need to do something!!
Hey count me in, I just want to see my dogone credit file with a score. We paid for it, and it should be accessable when we want it, or place limations like on scorepower. I would love to be interviewed by Clark Howard. This mess cost me a HELOC at my credit Union in May and, being a RE Investor, I've lost one for sure investment and maybe another. My file is totaly locked like Ive done something wrong!
Amen, Megasun! My score is now out of the question from any source--FICO, Score Power, Privista. Forget it. My previously "approved" mortgage loan was changed to "denied" due to drop in score. I immediately tried to pull my file to see what was up. Of course that was impossible. If I had been able to see my whole file, I would have known that I had reinsertions that cost me at least 70 points (from previous experience I know that these accounts cause a 70 point drop because that was what happened when they reported, in error, the first time)! Count me in too!
I'm sorry to hear about the re-insertions. I can only HOPE that doesn't happen to me as well but only time will tell. It definitely sounds like we've got some violations building with the re-insertions though! I will be filing a complaint with the Georgia Attorney General on Friday if I don't receive any satisfactory response from EQ concerning my complaints. I will also file a BBB report on them. I will definitely file suit if any derogatory information re-appears on my report, too (without notice). Everyone else should file complaints in their state as well, as the more complaints, the better. If our voices are heard by several organizations, EQ will have no choice but to respond.
Let's put up a website to warn people about this fako product they are selling. I will pay for domain name and hosting, if someone will do the html. I'm sure someone here knows how to get it in the search engines, and we can easily promote it on other boards. We can let people post their horror stories about not having access after paying the annual fee, and getting their files split, and about lenders not being able to access a report because of it. Anyone else want to do this?
Breeze, You beat me to the punch on that. I wonder if "equifaxsucks" is taken or "equifaxfraud"? I'll check it out. (Just checked, equifaxsucks is already taken, but I'm not surprised by that! But hey, equifaxfraud is available!) I can do simple HTML, but my sister is a certified webmaster. I'm sure I could get her to help me put something together. Bulletin board software is relatively easy if you have a package for it (which I just so happen to have). We're getting more and more people with this error by the day, though. Anyone else call in and complain recently (within the past few days)? With enough feedback maybe they'll take action. We'll see... I'll start designing a site layout this weekend though if no response from EQ. And if they have the nerve to separate my file I will without hesitation file suit!!! I totally agree with George - THAT IS NOT 100% NOR 100 % ACCURATE. FIX YOUR DAMN SYSTEM!!!
Doc! Welcome to the "Equifax denied me the access I PAID FOR club!". It's good to have an expert on-board. We WILL get this situation taken care of. I will not rest until it is. Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated!
How about - "EQUIFRAUD"? That domain is available at $8.75 a year to register. I think all of us could cover that - even WITH our scores. LOL!
Some people in this thread have mentioned reinsertions. Do the reinserted accounts look like actual updates from the purported creditor with updated reporting dates? The reason I ask is that there seems to be a trend here. First the report is inaccessable, either online or by traditional methods, and then when the report is finally obtained, reinsertions appear. To me this would suggest that Equifax may be dealing with computer problems or data corruption so severe that they are forced to reload the data from backup tapes. If the latest backup was made the hour before your disputed account was deleted, then there was a subsequent computer problem, when they load the backup tape, suddenly your old disputed account is there again.
Dave, mail just came and my cc statement included. HELLO>>>Creditwatch has refunded my fee and also my husband's fee. No e-mail as to why these services are being credited back. Of course I've been raising Holly Hell for 2 months now. Got notice from my Lender who handles my investments for RE. Had two properties, with over $60,000 equity, pre-approved May 30, 2002. Scores were; TU 679 EXP 653 EQ 644 As of June 27, my Equifax has dropped to 544, with 2 collections reinserted, 1 judgement, and Chapter13 Lexington had removed 2 yrs. early. Underwriting felt so bad for having to now decline the loan that she sent over the Equifax report. I have 81 soft inquries from Equifax since signed up for this service April 17, 2002. She though something HOOKEY was going on with me because the two reports look so different. Bet I won't have the option of using this company again. Lets get going on this. Every day now is costing me MONEY>> Roni
Being a computer person myself, this makes perfect sense. Although you'd think that a company that handles sensitive information like EQ would perform nightly or at least weekly backups. Roni - I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. But you now have proof of damages against EQ. You were in the middle of being approved for a mortgage when this situation happened. Now all you have to do is determine how much you've effectively loss and you have your lawsuit. I can't believe something from 2 years ago reappeared on your report. How the hell could that happen? I think the FTC needs to know about these types of actions. The whole industry needs some serious evaluation with these types of things happening to consumers. We're just a few people. I wonder who else this may have happened to that don't know about creditnet?
okay figure out the name, and somebody recommend a good hosting service. We also need to get it to show up in the search engines every time someone searches for Equifax, LOL. Y'all know how to do that? I'd rather not pay a fortune and I know nothing about website promotion. You guys with IT expertise can expose their tech problems for all the world to see. People will think twice about signig up for this service after reading the end result. BTW, I just called CS - punched the button for the website support, and was politely told that the problem was all the inquiries, and that 2 are due to fall off in each of the next three months, if I would care to wait, or they could cancel my subscription and refund my money. He did say they were "looking at" the problem. I asked the guy how they could sell an unlimited access service, and then have a technical problem like this come up; couldn't they have taken care of it before they started selling such a service? He implied (politely) that I was the only one with that many inquiries.
Breeze, I thought about that. I don't have much experience with search engines but I know if we put Equifax's name of the homepage a few times and register with the search engines we should be easily found. I'm not surprised the rep told you that. They seem to tell each person something different. I tried shooting an email to customer care directly and I'm awaiting a reply. I'll let you know if I can get somewhere going that route.
Breeze, you can't possibly have so many inquiries that EQ can't process your request! The Rep told me, just two days ago, that I was the only one to have this problem! That is why they weren't willing to look into it further. Hmmm, you don't think technical support could be downplaying this problem do you?
I had this problem for a few days back in the beginning of June. I called cs a couple of times. I finally got someone who knew what to do. It showed all my requests to order my reports but it wasn't giving me access to them. This rep changed my username to log in to my ss # with my initials at the end. I haven't had a problem since. Oh, I checked my inquiry totals yesterday and I have a total of 182.