Well I disputed three items on my report, the Helig Meyers it still appears open, my speigel which still appears open and my 30 day late. I got my updated report, the HG is still be looked into, how hard can this be?? They verified stating my TARGET was still open, DUH I never disputed Target I disputed speigels. And of course Providian verifed that inaccurate 30 day late again!!
I received the results of my Equifax dispute today. Luckily, two of the three items I disputed were removed, but one account is still showing up. I asked them to provide me with the name of the person verifying the account--they could only give me a phone number. I'll have to write the creditor andd ask them to correct the entry, I suppose. On another note, I noticed an inquiry from a collection agency (CBC). I called them to find out what the deal was,and they are trying to collect on an account that I paid through another collection agency (NCO)! I told them this and provided them the name and number of the rep from NCO and their response was that until they saw cancelled checks, they would continue to collect. The rep from NCO will send me a receipt and I do have my checks, but I don't feel I need to provide them with proof of payment, since I have never dealt with them and the account is paid in full. I think I will send CBC a letter disputing the debt,and since the burden of proof is on them to prove that the debt is still owed, I will not send them any receipts. Does anyone have any thoughts on how I should handle this situation.
Hey Mom HAve you had any luck getting inquiries removed? I'm looking at my report and have 8 from this year and about 15 from 1999 when I was trying to buy a car and everyone and their mama turned me down.
Carrot Not yet although i have tried. I may have had success with providian though, I wrote them telling them I believed they put a duplicate inquiry on my reports, they wrote back saying they couldn't comment on those specific inquires but according to their records they NEVER requested my reports from any agency. So I made copies of two of my reports one had 4 from them and the other had 3 and sent them a copy back of the letter they sent. Still haven;t heard yet but hoping it may work.
I have found Equifax to be the most responsive of the big 3. Try filing your dispute online at equifax.com. They are great in my opinion.
can't dispute inquires with eq Equifax won't take disputes for inquires online or over the phone. You must dispute with creditors
RE: can't dispute inquires wit I can say 100% that is wrong! If you puchase a credit report online , you get a report available for 30 online and can dispute any of it online anytime. You can also call them.
RE: can't dispute inquires wit I got of the phone with Equifax ten minutes ago and the rep told me that you cannot dispute inquiries with them, you have to contact the creditor.
Sorry There is no form to dispute inquires online, believe me I know I have tried and also called them numerous times on the phone and was told they don't invesitgate inquires.
RE: Sorry When you want to start and invesitgation online with Equifax they list your accounts, you then have several options to choose from, closed, not mine, never late, paid etc. There is NO form to dispute inquires I can say that with 100%.
RE: Sorry If you go to www.equifax.com and click on consumer producrs, you will see in Very Plain Type: "Dispute Online!"
RE: Sorry You're misunderstanding her statement. Yes, you can dispute other items online, but you can't dispute INQUIRIES. That is something you would have to deal with thru the creditor, as they said in the earlier post. floatvalve wrote: ------------------------------- If you go to www.equifax.com and click on consumer producrs, you will see in Very Plain Type: "Dispute Online!"
RE: Sorry Were playing semantics and I guess I'll close this. Dispute is the same as Online investigation to me! They will also send you a hard copy when you do this to fill in more detail.
RE: Sorry Yes you can dispute things online, but you can't dispute inquires that is all I am trying to say, believe I know I tried. equifax refuses to let you dispute inquires through them you must dispute with creditor
RE: Sorry I have "disputed"/"online investigated" things beforre with Equifax. YES, you CAN dispute certain items... but there is NOTHING about disputing INQUIRIES!!! Equifax will tell you over the phone that you will have to talk to the actual CREDITOR about this and work it out. Just admit that you made a mistake and move on, okay?
your original argument lists 3 creditors, one reporting a 30 day late, etc... these are not inquires????