Equifax, grrr

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Momof3, Nov 13, 2000.

  1. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    no they are not

    Two were closed accounts still being reported open and the other was a thirty day late, these have nothing to do with inquires????
  2. floatvalve

    floatvalve Guest

    RE: Sorry

    Read the original post. That is what I did!
    Guess I didn't post under right heading. It lists disputes with 3 current creditors.
  3. S.D.

    S.D. Guest

    RE: no they are not

    Carrot was talking about the inquiries first.
    Mom's original post has nothing to do with it.
  4. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member


    I disputed 3 items, 2 for being closed when they appear open and 1 for a 30 day late. These disputes have NOTHING to do with inquires??
  5. Carrot

    Carrot Guest

    Back to the issue at hand...

    I have a feeling that Equifax did not try to verify these items. When I called and asked the rep for the name and phone # of the person they verified a disputed account with, she said "We don't always verify information over the phone". I asked her how they did verify info, she said by fax (which would still require a name/phone number or something I'd think) or by FILE TAPE. The whole "file tape" response makes me think they just look back over the past information and verify that it was previously reported, not whether it was incorrect or not. I'm very distressed about this Equifax thing because they seem to be the CRA that's used the most in VA from what I've been told.
  6. Saar

    Saar Banned

    RE: Back to the issue at hand.

    Carrot wrote:
    "When I called and asked the rep for the name and phone # of the person they verified a disputed account with, she said 'We don't
    always verify information over the phone'."

    Let me translate that to plain English: 'We didn't feel like investigating your dispute so we chose to report fake results and lie through our teeth'.

    Write another letter demanding re-investigation or else. (Or else retaining counsel and filing a complaint with FTC).


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