After a dispute w/ Equifax I rec'd a letter that states "the disputed account is currently not reporting on your credit file." I check my credit report at Equifax and its still there. I call and the letter I have rec'd they have no record of. I have faxed it in to verify to them. It has a confirmation # that they show no record of. I have started 2 additional disputes because each time I call back to verify that the dispute is "active" they tell me it was never started. I really dont feel like I hev to spend money on a certified letter to try to start this again. What can a person do to see that the dispute is done right ?
You may want to send your next dispute with Equifax thru FTC. In your letter, include a summary of the various disputes you have filed, and they have "lost".
On track.... Not sure what this means ? Any help greatly appreciated ! You may want to send your next dispute with Equifax thru FTC.