Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! I'd like in on this too if possible. thanks!! -me- TU 609 7/9 EQ 601 7/9 EX ???
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Question, if hard inquiries are falling off which I had about 12 come off already, how come the score is not changing? These are all inquiries from may and june coming off.
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Yes, please share with us all on how to delete hard inquires. Thank you.
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Wake up & smell the coffee. Anyone monitoring the board or using the search button knows about it, EFX included. Saar
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Well Saar, I don't know and with all the other people who are asking, looks like everyone doesn't know. Having said that, whoever knows...please email me and let me is on.
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Sorry to be so dense about this. My e-mail is temporarily disabled. Just answer one ? for me. Do you have to subscribe to CreditWatch for it to work? Just "yes" or "no". Thank you
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! dang I wanna know too Pretty please with 5 pounds of suger on top!!!!!!????
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Is this the same as Doc's trick?? Just wondering or am I way off? If not, please email. Thanks!!
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! It's no big mystery. Just pull your report every day and the soft inquiries start bumping off the od hard inquiries because their system can only handle so many total inquiries. BTW, I don't know if it is still working. Last time I talked to CSR at EQ they knew about it and were working on a fix.
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Nevermind, Doc's trick was EX not EQ. Anyway, please, please, email me. Someone. I'll be your bestest friend. Thanks HeatherB
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! FYI...this is just something that is happening and not something anyone is specifically doing to make it happen, so please don't call Equifax and ask them how to go about it. (Yes, that really happened with Doc's Trick!) L
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! Oh, I thought it was some big huge secret. Based on other posts. I guess they were just pullng our legs??? Thanks Wolverine. HeatherB