Has anyone had any success with an ITS letter to Equifax or did you actually have to file before they would talk to you seriously? They just verified an account by the US Dept. of Ed (yup...a rehabbed student loan). Talked to the US Dept. of Ed who said they contacted EQ to update this account back in October of last year (at the same time TU and EXP correctly updated the listing). They also said that each time they are contacted, whether it be by telephone, letter or electronically, a notation is made on the corresponding file. They say that EQ NEVER contacted them to verify anything and they are sending me a letter to that effect. Also, in the same dispute letter I sent to EQ, I had included the reinserted Gulf State account and where it was also reported under their d/b/a OSI Funding. Equifax said that Gulf State verified on Feb. 23 that the account was accurate. Spoke with the legal department at Gulf State and they closed out the account on Feb. 21 and state that EQ never contacted them to verify the account and if they had done so on the 23rd as stated by EQ's repesentative, it could not have been verified because they account is closed out. They also sent the UDF on Feb. 21. I'm getting a letter from them stating this as well. Soooo...not even getting into the ignoring of my procedure request....EQ did not investigate...they are just saying it is verified! I drafted an Intent to Sue letter, but want to make sure I'm not missing anything before I fax it over to them tonight. I'm giving them 48 hours to cure or I'm prepared to file suit. Please share your knowledge and experience. I get the feeling that you only get one really good shot at CRA and I want to make my shot count. Thanks, L
I sent Equ. four letters saying I was ready to go to court, I got four letters back saying Inquiries are a Factual Record. So I ask my state Attorney Ceneral office to help they are looking into. Try your Attorney Gen
Thanks, Brenda. I may do that as well. I'm hoping this letter will have some teeth because if they get busted for not verifying and saying they did, I would think that would carry some heavy penalties. Anyone else? Please? Was hoping to fax tonight, but need some input. Probably should sleep on it as well. I know someone out there has gone up against EQ. Thanks, L
Today I received a response to my faxed "Intent to Sue" letter. Items verified and in response to my request for procedures used, I got a form letter response and a list of the addresses of every creditor on my file. I guess I'll have to file. I also am sending a consumer complaint to my AG's office.
If the re-inserted that item from Gulf State without notifing you, that is another violation of FCRA and another civil penalty. Aparently, Equifax does this all the time. Trans Union will send you a copy of your report again, and say 'RE-INSERTED'.
Thanks everyone. I've decided not to go this route afterall. Both the US Dept. of Ed and Gulf State are willing to update and/or delete in the one case, so they will come off...eventually...in thirty to ninety days or thirty days if I dispute and they don't pretend to verify...or...well, you get the picture I'm sure. It is frustrating to have to hurry up and wait, but I might need this alternative down the road. Also...I was told on another list NEVER to fax this sort of thing. I'm trying to clarify why not since attorneys do it themselves all the time. They said it was something about presentation being everything? Anyone know anything about this? I'm just a little ole country girl...lol...but I don't want to come across like too much of an idiot. At any rate, it doesn't seem like EQ will take anything short of a lawsuit seriously. I guess I won't ever bother with an intent to sue letter with them. Thanks! L