They sent me my credit report. They had to send it in the mail, because get this, my credit file is so long that it cannot be presented on the computer. It is about time they deleted something right... Anyway the idiots, send me 2 envelopes. One has the last page of my report in it with one item listed-a stupid transferred Sallie Mae loan... Now I have the second envelope right. Surely they put my credit report in the second envelope. WRONG. It has a page of my credit file with 2 other Keycorp transferred student loans listed. Along with the 1 page item, it was the instructional and how to read credit report stuff with inquiries list. So where is my credit report. I just those DUMMIES put the rest of my file in an envelope and sent it to GOD KNOWS WHERE... I also updated my address with them 2 times already. Guess what, they still sent it to NYC. WHAT IN THE WORLD. So, I didn't waste time calling them anymore. I just sent the credit watch department an email.........relaying my frustrations. They emailed me back today saying that they had refunded my $39 for credit watch and were once again sending my reports....Whatever! But I am glad my score was 653 with them..up from 594..... roni
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN That stinks Roni, but hey I am STILL waiting on Experian been close to 30 days for my limit updates and still waiting on Equifax from my lastest disputes, I swear everytime I open the mailbox I am hoping for reports but all I get is junkmail and bills of course Mom
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN Roni, Is your score somewhere on the report you just received? I just got a new Equifax but I didn't see it on there anywhere.
No, they dont put it on your r And remember they didnot get a report to me. I got my scores from a mortgage broker last week.. roni
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN Ain't it true that derogs are only reported for 5 years in NY? I keep reading that diff't places. Maybe it's an advantage when they send your reports to NYC. -Alwilda Smith
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN Hopefully by the end of the first quarter they will be, of course we have heard this before. TU ring a bell?? Mom
Hey Roni.. Did you hear anything from Metloan yet?? And also I was curious as to why you couldn't get the experian score from the first lender??
RE: Hey Roni.. I dont know girl. Maybe experian got an investigation going on me. I had 5 deletions and 11 accounts changed from neg to pos.....I better watch out. roni
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN This is directly from Equifax, (included when I ordered my report online): Why is an account I paid in full still on my file? Payment in full does not remove your payment history. The length of time information remains in our credit file is shown below: Credit Accounts Accounts paid as agreed remain for up to10 years. Accounts not paid as agreed remain for 7 years. Collection Accounts Remain for 7 years. (The time periods listed above are measured from the date in your credit file shown in the date of last activity filed accompanying the particular credit or collection account.) Courthouse Records Remain for 7 years from the date filed, except: Bankruptcy-Chapters 7 and 11 remain 10 years from the date filed. Bankruptcy-Chapter 13 non-dismissed or non-discharged remains 10 years from the date filed. Unpaid tax liens remain indefinitely. Paid tax liens remain for up to 7 years from the date released. New York State Residents Only: Satisfied judgements remain 5 years from the date filed; paid collections remain 5 years from the date of last activity. California State Residents Only: Unpaid tax liens remain 10 years from the date filed.
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN but what that really does for anyone, who knows? My negative stuff was earned when I lived in NY. It is over 5 years old, and still there, but awaiting the results of my first round of disputes. Hopefully, they will all drop off or not be contested, since they are all paid...
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN Anybody know if unpaid CA tax liens drop off in 10 years anywhere but NY? If this is true the party is at my place! Everybody is invited! PS: I've been lurking here for many months and due to all the help here my credit has improved dramatically. Thanks All SISH
RE: EQUIFAX IS SO STUPID...DAN Roni: My interpretation of gregb's post above is that tax unpaid liens remain on your report forever, unless you are a CA resident. It does not matter where the liens are from.