Not sure if this is posted, but when Equifax sent back my results they stated to use this address.. Equifax Information Services, LLC P.O. Box 105518 Atlanta GA, 30348 Old Address ___________________ P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta GA, 30374-0241 Was any one else aware of this change?
I never paid attention to the address listed on the report until today.....maybe I am late, but I always us the PO Box 740241. Maybe they don't want me to use that address any more.......I wonder. What address do you dispute to...??
Interesting. I just had a dispute bounce back from Experian. I used the PO Box 210 address. They now say it's Box 9595. I called, the gal said Box 210 never has been a workable address. LOLOL
Why would you want to run the risk of wasting time by having it returned? I would just send it to the new address. But, if time isn't an issue, by all means, send it to the old addy.
Equifax has multiple p.o. boxes, between my hubby and I we have tons of correspondance from the cra's. just about each one has a different address. Each dept. has a different p.o. box. I have used many of the p.o. boxes on different occasions never had one returned from Equifax. Though I did have one returned from TU at one time. Anywhoo, they may have given a different address but chances are it is correspondance from a different dept.
Because per the FCRA they MUST give you an address to send correspondence. If they give you a fake one, violation. All I'm saying is that if they gave you an address to send your disputes, that is the one I would use so as to not run the risk of having something returned and then wasting time sending it again. Maybe they won't return it, but your comment was that you would keep sending it til it is returned. Is it worth the waste of time IF they do return it.
No it is not worth the waste of time, I am just affraid the new addy will not be good, but of course if they gave the wrong information, I could get them with the violation. Well I feel better since you broke it down for me......Next dispute sending to new addy.......I wonder why they have so many PO Box's?
C'mon, the cra's are bad but I doubt very seriously that they are going to intentionally send you a false address. That would be stupid.
Originally posted by dimples1 .......I wonder why they have so many PO Box's? [/QUOTE] Like I said earlier, each dept. has their own p.o. box.
Like I said earlier, each dept. has their own p.o. box. [/QUOTE] Each department? Shouldn't it be one department for disputes?
dimples, that is from laziness, but you are paranoid, if they sent you a fake address, that means one of 2 things, 1. they are sending out fake addresses to everyone (stupid, waste of time and money, how could it possibly benefit them? Once the right authorities found out they would have to delete every single item that came as disputed to the 'fake' address. or 2. They are singling you out giving you a fake address? Could you not just give the correct authorities proof of that fake address, well of course you could, again how would that benefit them? As far as dept. go, there are many, there is on-line disputes, mail disputes, identification and information depts. to name a few. I have'nt a clue how many depts. there are but there are many.