RUN AMUCK... SAME E-MAIL 9 TIMES TODAY!!! 02/17/2003 member.benefits@e... Equifax Personal Solutions - February 2003 Newsletter
Thanks for bursting my bubble.....I felt special today because I received 3 copies of the EQ I'm not so special anymore!! Sheez...NINE copies....must be something wrong with our ISP's, because everyone knows that EQ doesn't make boo-boos!!
ONE EACH would be enough...(HIS/HERS) Maybe it makes up for NEVER notifying me of any changes LIKE NEW ACCOUNTS...or changes to existing accounts???
Re: Re: Equifax Newsletter... 53 here, all just for hubby, I never get anything from them other than grief!
Re: Re: Equifax Newsletter... I quit counting at 32. They just sent out this apology. A problem was encountered with our email distribution system that may have caused you to receive multiple copies of the Feburary newsletter. Please accept our apologies for any inconvience this may have caused. If you have any questions or concerns, Customer Care is available 7 days a week between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and midnight, Eastern Time Zone at 1-866-640-CARE (2273) or via email at Thank you. We appreciate your business. Equifax Customer Care
Re: Re: Re: Equifax Newsletter... WE TIE~~~53!!! TALK ABOUT RUN-AMUCK!!! Now if we could just get 53 more years of "UNLIMITED" CW (AS PUNISHMENT) that would be nice!!! I guess some are HIS some are HERS...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Equifax Newsletter... Too funny...mine stopped at 6... pibb26 ============ Sorry you got short changed LOL The END ************************* LB 59
Re: Re: Re: Re: Equifax Newsletter... GEORGE, With that many newsletters did you get any BUMPAGE???? WALLST
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equifax Newsletter... I have no HARD...haven't applied for anything in a long time because I hate being DENIED!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Equifax Newsletter... ***ANYBODY WANT TO ASK FOR ME*** Now if we could just get 53 more years of "UNLIMITED" CW (AS PUNISHMENT) that would be nice!!!