Equifax Online Dispute Procedure?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jenny_S, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. Jenny_S

    Jenny_S Member

    I want to dispute a few accounts listed on my CR because they are past the SOL.

    Online reasons for disputing are:
    not mine
    paid in full
    current/previous payment status incorrect
    account reaffirmed

    Which box should I check?
  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Are they past the 7-year reporting period, or just past the SOL for collection. That is often confused. They can be listed on your report for 7 years.

    If they're past the 7 years, I would either call or write, just say it's obsolete and needs to be removed. If you call and they can see that it's past the 7-year mark, it should be an easy removal.
  3. Jenny_S

    Jenny_S Member

    Thanks, Hedwig

    They are obsolete debts. The DOLA has been reaged through collections efforts, but the original debts are waaaaaaaay past 7 years.

    Equifax makes you make a selection for reason for investigation online. I was leaning towards selecting the "account reaffirmed" box, but I wasn't sure.

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