Equifax online investigation questi

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tareco, Apr 28, 2001.

  1. tareco

    tareco Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to do an online investigation of my equifax report. It's asking for a confirmation #. I have my credit report in front of me. What is the confirmation #??? Please help!
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    There should be a confirmation number at the top of the first page of your report. It is just above your personal identification info.
  3. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    If you are looking @ your Equifax file. One the First Page under their address for all future correspondence (at the very top right corner). Directly below it you will see in BIG BOLD print "CREDIT FILE - Confirmation Numer: XXXXXXXXXX" It's like that on every page @ the top.

    This is how it looks by mail. If you got it somewhere else.. ex. online. I am not sure what it would look like.
  4. tareco

    tareco Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the responses. The online version must be different because I am looking at it and looking everywhere and can't seem to find it!
  5. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    when you access your report, they ask you to print or write down the confirmation #. I usually print mine out.

  6. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member


    You may not be able to initiate and online investigation with Equifax. If your account is serviced by an Equifax affiliate, your report won't contain the confirmation number.

    Look at your online report. The first page (personal information) scroll down to investigate your file. If there is a name and address for a local credit bureau, you can not initiate an online investigation. All disputes must be sent to that bureau. If you send them to Equifax directly, they'll just forward the request to them.

    Hope this helps some,

  7. tareco

    tareco Well-Known Member

    Thanks again for the help. Roni, the confirmation # that they suggest you print out isn't the one. I tried it. It's way too long and I tried taking out the letters and still wouldn't work. My account is not serviced locally--I have a feeling that the confirmation # they are referring too is only found on the mailed copies.
    I managed to find a way to do an online investigation without the confirmation #!
  8. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member


    by all means, spill it :)

  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    i was just gonna write back that you could do it without the confirmation #. that is how i always did it anyway. Glad you figured it out.

  10. Matt

    Matt Active Member

    Just another way for them to suck our money, away needed to apy our bills :(.. I have a number up there, the Online dispute has only been so so for me anyways.. Stillt rying to get a Cable Bill PAID collection off :(
  11. tareco

    tareco Well-Known Member

    Kelly, when you go to "online investigation request" at their site, if you try to submit the request without the confirmation # it won't take it. However, if you go to "contact us" you can submit all of the information there and submit. They give you the format and everything. I only discovered this because I thought going to the "contact us" screen would allow me to email them to ask about the confirmation #. Hope that helps!
  12. Linda

    Linda Well-Known Member

    Do you know if they forward the information to the local agency for them to process? My Equifax is handled by CSC Credit Services in Houston, TX.

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