EQUIFAX Online investigations

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok this is strange;
    On 12/18/01 I did an online dispute with the 3 CA's reporting on hubbys report. On 1/15/02 I got an the report NOTHING changed. On 1/23/02 I entered the conf # on the top to start a new dispute and the 3 CA's were gone, so I disputed the late pays on his paid car loan. I checked today with the OLD conf # (not the one given when I disputed the late pays) and it says recent dispute started 1/23/02 results due: 1/25/02 (TODAY). WTF does this mean? When i tried to enter the NEW conf # it gave me that sorry we are unable to start a new investigation garbage. I printed the "results due" page and the "request an investigation" part (were he CA's were NOT showing.)
    What should I do? Have hubby call Monday? SUE? lol

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