Equifax Public Record (mis)info

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by evilted, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. evilted

    evilted Member

    Hi all,

    Got my first report, this one from Equifax. There is only one error. Under "Public Record Information" they have listed a judgement made against my father. I suppose I understand how they made the mistake as his first name is one letter different from mine. Regardless, it is a mistake, and should not be on my report.

    Should I use the form included with my report (research request form) to notify them of this error, or write them my own letter?

    If the latter, how detailed should it be? Or will something simple suffice? E.g. "This judgement was not made against me Jon Doe, it was made against John Doe, a separate entity. Please contact the court house to verify this, and remove this incorrect information from my report immediately."

    Thanks in advance!
  2. evilted

    evilted Member


  3. Always

    Always Well-Known Member

    This is not uncommon, so try the dispute section on the paper CRA report.

    Simply state, "Not mine."
  4. evilted

    evilted Member

    Brilliantly simple!


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