I hav an entry such as AFNI Account Number Date Opened High Credit Cingular xxxxxxx $390.00 Credit Limit Term Duration Terms Frequency Mnths Revd Activity Description Creditor Classification 13 Items as of Balance Amt Past Due Amt date reported 07/2004 $314 $314 Date of last payment Actual Payment Amount 06/2004 Date of last activity Datre Maj Del 1sr reptd 07/2001 Charge Off amt Deferred Pay Baloon Pay Start Date Amount Baloon Date Pay Date Closed Current Status - over 120 days past due; Type of account open: Type of loan- Factoring Company Account; Whose Account - Individual account: Additional Information Collection Account. The way I read this is they received a payment in June for som amount but never applied it to my account, because th balance and past due amount is the same but they show a payment received in June When I started paying this CA I never admitted I owed the debt. $45.00 more and it will be paid. What is the best way to get this one to go away from my TL? Also I have other accounts that were paid in a settlement (I know thats bad now) that shiws Date Maj Del 1st reptd after the date of last activity and date of last payment. If they setteled for less than full how can it be deliquent after the date of payment?