Equifax Re-aged All My Accounts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ristay, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. ristay

    ristay Member

    Okay folks... I am brand new! Ugh, wish I would have found this forum eight months ago. I have been disputing inaccurate collection and charge-off accounts with Equifax. I live in Texas and forced to deal with CSC Credit Services. I dispute and they respond with verified as accurate. Then I sent re-investigation demands and method of verification. Within two weeks my Equifax credit score shot down 55 points. I was shocked that ALL of my accounts were re-aged. A brand new account suddenly show up as a charge-off from 1994. I called CSC and got a rep that could not count to eleven. Guess I ticked someone off at CSC by using rights by law. I had a charge-off account with my former credit union over a insurance dispute that was re-aged. In short, every single item that I disputed was re-aged. CSC told me to contact the financial institution and wanted me off the phone. I demanded to talk to a supervisor and was hung up on. I called back and another CSC rep told me that every single time I dispute a account my credit score goes down and when the investigation is complete the score will go back up. Come on now!! How can that be true where a account comes back from eleven years ago? I didn't dispute that! Why did my credit score go down? Ma'am you need to contact the original creditor. I said NO! You are reporting 100% inaccurate, incomplete information and delete it now. She told me to contact my Attorney General. If I have to contact anyone it will be a lawyer. I hope someone out there can give me some good advice. Also has anyone heard of How to Send Just 2 Magic Letters and Erase Bad Credit & Smash Your Debts Forever from multimillionaire Howard L Moreland? Website http://myfreecreditrepair.com

    Please remember I am a newbie so be patient with me. I thought I knew everything only to find out I have a lot to learn.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    are you sure the date of last activity changed or was it the last reporting date? there is a difference.

    Welcome aboard, BTW!
  3. ristay

    ristay Member

    On 04-09-05 Equifax credit score changed and dropped 12 points. My former credit union reported account was charged off. The account was showing charged-off for the last several years. Now in pay history key it shows current from 08-00 to 12-04 and new charged off date as 01-05. The last day of activity is 02/02. Then on 04/18/05 my score dropped another 9 points where a charged off credit card back on my report. This account has not appeared on my credit in the last seven years. The pay history shows current 07/98 thru 04/03 and new charged off 05/03. This account was really charged off in 09/96. The other two accounts are showing the same thing in pay history as current but charged off as of a new date different from the original charge off date. Is this re-aging? If not, what is it? I am very confused as nothing has changed for several years on these accounts yet my credit score is dropping rapidly. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    before disputing, make sure to check the SOL for your state. you may wake a sleeping giant!
  5. ristay

    ristay Member

    Thanks for the advice. I live in Texas and the SOL is 4 years. I just wonder why in 14 days all of this is suddendly happening. It is only happening with EQ. So if the original creditor is truly reporting me why are they reporting different on Exp and TU? BTW, the sudden credit card that re-appeared is only reporting on EQ.

  6. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    I personally think a lot of things went screwy when Equifax updated the version of scoring consumers see to match what lenders see. Up until March/April, lenders saw FICO 5.0, and we consumers saw version 98. Now we see the same version and i don't think it is for the better!

    Also, Equifax IMO is hit or miss on things. They are the ones to reinsert, but will delete inquiries if you ask. They report as Paid/Currently past due, but have deleted accounts right away when i have sent them proof of error. There is no rhyme or reason to how they do things - which is frustrating to say the least.
  7. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    The is accurate, since when you dispute an entry, it is not counted in your FICO Score, until the matter is resolved...if it ends up being deleted it may or may not help your score depending on the length of time the account has been open
    If it ends up remaining it may or may not help your score based on how derogatory the information is

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