Ok... Here's my scenario. I discovered Creditnet about 8 months ago and have been using strategies to clean my reports. I've pretty much gotten each report down to 1 or 2 negatives and I'm working on those as we speak. Equifax has been especially difficult in getting items removed but I've been working on getting procedures for these so called 'validations' that they've been doing. I monitor my reports and I've noticed that within the past few months, positive accounts on my EQ report have been dropping off. I called EQ today to ask why they have been disappearing as I haven't challenged them and most of them were closed and the creditors would have no reason to update at this point. I get some BS about how EQ 'can't remove items' and the companies must've done so. I totally disagree with the idiot and tell her that I have spoken with one of the companies directly and they told me they haven't updated the account in some time. I'm looking for any advice on what I can do to get these accounts re-inserted. The companies have no incentive to do so since they're mostly closed and have been so for some time. The removal of the positive tradelines has lowered my FICO score. They've removed about 5 older positive tradelines including 2 mortgage companies that I was making payments to before I refinanced. I know that EQ has something to do with it. I also just had a BS collection placed on my report from RMA that I disputed and came back 'checked'. Is that a valid entry? I want to stick it to these bastards if possible, and I know they own a stake in RMA or vice-versa. I've written a validation letter sent CRRR to RMA and I checked my report 10 business days later and there's no notation of the account being disputed. I'll be sending an Estoppel notice to RMA within the next 2 weeks but I know that EQ has been playing games with me as well and I'd like to catch them slipping. Any one have any advice on how to proceed from this point? TIA!