George, if it was removed today, you won't see any increase until tomorrow, if there is to be one. I have found each time a hard one gets deleted, that the score doesn't update til the next day.
Anyone else not able to get a new score? When I clicked on the 'Get a new one' link, it gave me my report, but no score. Additional clicks on the link bring up the 'you have already ordered this product' message. On a positive note, the single request resulted in three Equifax inquiries...
Could someone PLEASE email me with the 45d info. I do not think that I am understanding it. An ass? Maybe. I have 101 inq most eq and not a one bumped.
If indeed what they are doing works, and I think it just might, then three softies is better than two ) Doesn't really matter in this situation, as the number of hards is so low. It seems hardly anyone pulls Equifax in my region...