Equifax...truly remarkable.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Apr 8, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    You just have to laugh when dealing with Equifax. They have deleted the Gulf State account twice and then reinserted it within a couple of weeks each time, verified it three or four times, now they have updated it to read Paid in Full. Gulfstate has repeatedly faxed and called, sent me the UDF to delete along with confirmations, etc. LMBO! I did not pay this account, but they sure are giving me the runaround...lol. Almost hope it doesn't get resolved because I'm ready to see them in court. With all their games, I'm not so sure I'd be willing to settle this one. I'm so glad I started trying to fix these errors two years prior to really needing good credit because it might take all of that time for Equifax to get their acts together.

  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    just keep up the good work. I am faxing ca "intent to sue letters" today. these are for two collection accounts that are from last summer, medical bills. I am still waiting to here from exp.

    your recent success has certainly inspired me. I told my daughter (ten years old) that we would use the settlement to shop at her favorite store. She wants mommy to "win" her suit. LOL
  3. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I would start preparing my lawsuit if I were you. Considering the amount of experience you have, it would probably be a piece of cake and a nice chunk of change.

    If Gulf state has been trying to delete and Equifax won't let them then they are in violation of FCRA for wilful noncompliance. I know their employees don't. Make them learn how to do their jobs.
  4. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    I have letters for deletion for OSI and Gulfstate.... Equifax sent me the final resolution and it stated to the fact they were deleted, I look on the report and GulfState is still showing and one of them show's "Paid collection".... No,no,no. I want them deleted... man what is it... I live in Atlanta, not to far from the Equifax Bldg, I drive home everyday on I-85, should i just detour off, get on Peachtree ST, go inside., Walk past Security, find a empty desk, Log into the %$@@^ System, pull up my #@!#% File ,page down to the item and hit the Delete Key, page back to the top and check the box that states Permanet deletion, and then confirm by typing in my initials??? Sounds Easy enough.......
  5. Ambitious

    Ambitious Well-Known Member

    Hey, why don't we double team them and do it together? I live about 30-45 min away from the office(HA!HA!). Funny how they'll change what the creditor says with no problem but us no way!!

  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your kind words, Uniondiva...I do feel like I've made a LOT of progress since I started this, but these last couple of problems are turning into real migraines.

    I wish I had the energy to do more than one lawsuit at a time...lol.

  7. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    They keep adding and deleting my Gulf States as well. I thought all along it was Gulf States.

    I think I know better now.
  8. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    I learned the hard way that more than 9 times out of 10, it really is the CRA who is screwing up. I had three creditors who made three different collection agencies remove items from my files. Each time, I would get the Collector to fax or mail me a copy of the 'Universal Data Form' they sent out to all three bureaus or a copy of any other correspondence involved. There was no reason for them to "lie" on their end and each time it was the Credit Bureau who was not keeping up on their end. I even went as far as telling a collection agency that I would have to subpeona an officer to court if this was not resolved. Collection agencies are ruthless, but they dont want to get in a mess any more than the next company.
  9. DanceRat

    DanceRat Well-Known Member

    It's true. I have UDFs faxed to me that say "delete" not update or change, but the CRA just remarked it as updated or remains. The best thing is to get the UDF faxed or a copy sent to you so that you have something if you need to go to court. I can't imagine any judge ruling against wilful knowledge if you have the UDF and the CRA doesn't acknowledge it.
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Go for it! You're already 1 for 1, why not make it 2 for 2. I don't think I would settle either, plus Federal court will scare the bajesus out of EQU, I think are used to Small Claims, so Federal will mean you're aren't messing around!
    Keep me posted either way!
  11. sassy32779

    sassy32779 Member

    Okay ... I am having similar problem with Experian I think and need some advice.

    Collection agency did udf on a paid collection and it was deleted by TU and Equifax. However, Experian only changed the status from disputed to paid. Now what? Do I get a fax from the CA showing the udf and send it registered mail to Experian demanding they delete? Will it work to call Experian and fax my fax of the UDF?

    Still a newbie and just starting to work on my scores ....

    TU 678
    EQ 659
    EX 597
  12. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Sassy, I would call the CA and have them fax you a copy of the UDF along with a letter saying that they have requested that Experian delete this tradeline. I've found both Experian and TU very easy to deal with when you can show them either of those documents (but better together), but Equifax...sheesh!!! They want a notarized, certified original copy signed by the President of the United States and all of his cabinet members before they will delete.


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